
As a girl gamer and a game researcher, I’ve seen some hot takes. Here’s one

As a girl gamer and a game researcher, I’ve seen some hot takes. Here’s one

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  1. Toxicity in gaming spaces shouldn’t be considered normal, and the fact that men think it should continue to be is the reason why I don’t use mic or in-game chats in the first place. 😮‍💨 Men won’t even let women have women-only spaces or they throw tantrums.

  2. “Toxic Meritocracy” reminds me of how as a Valorant player, it seems like the only acceptable way to shut down toxic team mates is “doing better” than them. So many “shutting down bullies” Valorant clips (ive also seen COD ones) that amount to “if you’re going to shit on me at least do better than me” as if players who suck deserve to be shit on for their identity, as if your ability to learn a game isn’t affected by being ostracized for your identity, especially in a team context

  3. “I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or serious”


    It’s the Schrodinger’s douchebag phenomenon. Nothing is serious, everything is a joke, a troll, “can’t you take a joke?” yet everything is simultaneously important enough to rage and make rape and death threats over. He doesn’t know how he feels because 20 of his “friends” aren’t there to tell him how he should feel in this situation.

    This is what happens when you get a shitload of dudes together with low emotional intelligence, who are insecure, and don’t have a well actualized sense of self.

  4. Speaking for myself, as a guy, it’s always so embarrassing to see other men use terms like “Female” to refer to women. It’s just such a weird and uncomfortable, almost dehumanizing way of referring to people who you feel are different from you.

    I do think the phenomena of toxic masculinity in the gaming space is actually quite interesting and worth exploring. Personally I think a large part of it is actually an outside influence rather than inside. I don’t think there’s anything about gaming that makes men inherently toxic, I think the toxicity is from outside, and that the competitive nature of gaming and the anonymity makes many men rip their masks off.

    This behavior above is just pathetic though.

  5. I partnered with a male gamer in university (two decades ago) to study how perceived gender of a gamer affected their treatment in male-dominated spaces. Pr-etty sure not much has changed. It’s usually a skill issue. Insecurity in one’s own abilities = bully the ladies.

  6. Found this a while back:

    “A 2015 study found that lower-skilled male players of Halo 3 were more hostile towards teammates with a female voice, but behaved more submissively to players with a male voice, Higher-skilled male players, on the other hand, behaved more positively towards female players. The authors argued the male hostility towards female gamers in terms of evolutionary psychology, writing, female-initiated disruption of a male hierarchy incites hostile behaviour from poor performing males who stand to lose the most status.”

  7. Oh I hate the “this is how it’s always is” or “this is the way things are here. Don’t like it leave” it’s like forcing a community and a place to stay of one mindset. No it doesn’t have to be this way. People can change stuff. I always point to Ffxiv community as a great example. They get taught by the game and other players ‘hey don’t be toxic. Help the people who aren’t as good as you and have fun’ even on the competitive parts. I’m sure there’s some toxic stuff but on the whole I’ve never feared to express my opinion on there or to speak up or ask what I did wrong because they’ll help me. Not just give me quick sarcastic remarks or tell me to ‘get good’

    And there’s 0 reason other communities couldn’t do that if people would agree to just stop with the trash talking, the accepted one up manship. It goes back to the beet first Xbox commercial even! It’s encouraged ad ‘this is the way you act if you’re a gamer’ and it’s madness especially when millions of people just want to feel apart of something. To belong. Gaming should be the most gender neutral hobby out there like chess. It doesn’t matter who’s behind the screen as long as they play well.
    This is the commercial for Xbox live back in the day.

  8. How generous of him to give you so much material to write about

    But seriously those types of guys are the funniest thing “I noticed a problem and I’m talking about it”
    “noooo why can’t you just accept the problem in silence”

  9. He sounds jealous tbh, in my experience they all just come off as bitter that no one is paying attention to their suffering or pain they feel, because they are male, and females seem to “automatically” get paid attention to because of our gender….

    but it’s like, dude there are still people who don’t view women as human beings, and men have had that luxury for a very long time…so I don’t know, he’s going to weed himself out by maintaining that animosity, so good luck to him …

    Oh and just because the gaming community is toxic now, doesn’t mean it has to stay that way and doesn’t mean we have to sink into also being toxic. I will combat it every day, and it makes me sad that people would dislike someone for trying to create a friendlier environment, but that won’t stop me.


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Does anyone have advice on better ways to store my controllers than just throwing them on the floor or in with their respective consoles? It feels like just a lot of needless clutter, but I don’t know how to keep them out of the way but also readily available