
(TW transphobia) Sorry to vent here again, but it’s genuinely saddening how acceptable transphobia is in some of the large gaming subs

I love getting told that a literal slur used against trans people, isn't a slur, especially when it's literally being used against a trans character

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  1. I want to share a nice response I saw to a less nice situation;

    At a big conference a couple of years back, a presenter was doing a live demo that involved (I think, my memory isn’t great) showing Bluetooth devices in the room.

    Someone in the audience thought it would be clever to change their device name to something funny, and decided a transphobic slur was the best choice (I guess the presenter looked relatively Gender neutral. I have no idea what their gender was or if they were trans or whatever, it wasn’t relevant to the awesome talk they were giving).

    The conference organiser saw this, stopped everything, brought the house lights up and demanded the guilty party leave before he’d allow the con to continue.

    Long awkward silence ensues. But this glorious man just doubles down, says that he’s got all day to wait.

    We all sit there looking at each other.

    Eventually the perpetrator stood and left, and the talk resumed.

    My esteem for the organiser, already high, is through the roof for how he took a stand like that.

    We need a lot more intolerance of the intolerant IMO.

  2. That’s not even why Bridget was dressed as a girl. She was raised as if she was female (which it turned out she is) due to a superstition in the village she grew up in around same-sex twins.

    TLDR comment in image implies she originally dressed the way she did to lure guys into “gay” relationships, but she actually did that to escape a curse

  3. These type of ppl will say these slurs bc it’s the “norm” for them. I hate how they use it so casually too. It’s unfortunately very common for these popular gaming subs to be very transphobic along with racist, sexist, and misogynistic.

  4. I really think that’s up there as the most misogynistic and vile anti-trans slur. I’m not even into men, and the idea that the most important thing I’ve ever done for myself is ultimately for male attention? It’s so obscenely degrading, even aside from the predatory subtext that contributes to trans women getting murdered.

    Like, call me a tr**** or a sh***** instead. I would genuinely prefer it.

  5. I also got told “Before Bridget was retconned that was literally the characters thing. Get over it.” On top of that I joined a server for a revival of a dead Spider-Man mobile game and the transphobia was awful there too 🙁

    Makes me grateful for spaces like these and others, and the supportive friends I have, but it’s annoying how common and accepted this bullshit is

  6. I mean, there was this cartoon about a woman in a princess Peach costume, who got beaten and a lot of women didn’t find it funny , me included, and we first got downvoted, then mansplained and now some of us can’t even post and respond there anymore, because the mods are sexist too. So I’m sadly not surprised.

  7. The fact that it is very much a slur aside…

    >A very feminine looking guy who didn’t mention they were a guy to-

    Lmao this person clearly doesn’t even know the source material they’re talking about. Most of Bridget’s story and dialogue since guilty gear XX has been her claiming to be a guy, in kind of a ”Sorry to disappoint, but…” tone to it. She never tried to ”trick” anyone, because that is the opposite of what her character was.

    She does the same to Goldlewis in Strive, until she realizes that she is forcing herself to maintain a mindset that only makes her unhappy.

  8. Porn & its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. Tr*p was always a slur for trans women, “a feminine guy tricking people into thinking they’re a girl for sexual reasons” is literally just the TERF definition of what a trans female is.

  9. Mainly why i refuse to play online games or in any way interact with communities outside of niche groups If you can’t see a trans person existing without having a meltdown maybe you should put the controller down for a bit and rethink some of your life choices.

    It is genuinely

    annoying though, disheartening and disgusting too. I hate it.

  10. Joined a discord on trans awareness day, popped into the memes chat to see it filled with vile transphobic shit. Instantly exploded on the person who invited me, and the people in the memes. Well it originally was a discord for vets, and guess who’s a vet, and who wasn’t. Got 5 people banned that day. 🙂 best perk I’ve gotten for my service.

  11. That’s not even remotely true about Bridget, either?

    She presents female *because thats how she was raised*, and then realised she was more comfortable that way. It’s what leads to her realising she’s trans

  12. They’re really telling in themselves huh. Like they’re mad their fap material is different now

    Also lol at the “it’s not a slur here” like your location changes how language works. I wonder if they also think that there are no pronouns in their favourite games too

    They’re so obsessed with trans people it’s saddening

  13. Huh, I honestly thought trap was different.

    I thought the idea of a ‘trap’ was specifically that it’s not trans, amab people who identify as men but look and dress like women? Like a less performative drag queen.

    I think it’s called Otokonoko in Japan?

  14. I literally hate that term when referring to transwomen and transfem individuals because not only does it reduce their existence but it continues to play this narrative that trans people are “deceptive”.

    This reminds me of a former friend I had. Emphasis on “former” because THIS is one of the reasons why I cut him out of my life.

    Besides his annoying rantings that mean absolutely nothing, but he would go on these tirades on how “woke” people are being a buncha “snowflakes” for not liking the term “Trap” and how this is anime culture and that they have no right to dictate what they should do and it annoys me because trap by definition is to deceive and by continuing to use it, people continue to play up this thing that trans people are liars and predatory which is such an outdated pattern of thinking.

    I’ve had it with any sub-culture being like this.

    Sorry for ranting. I have a lot of anger towards such terms due to how reductive it is.
    Have a great day!

  15. I’m confused, is that not a correct subgenre name for a very specific type of porn? Like, if he’s using it to mean ‘porn involving trans people” that would be a slur but I’m assuming there’s porn where the entire point/thing that’s “sexy” is the fact that the male character doesn’t find out about the female character’s anatomy until they start having sex.

    Though others have been saying it’s an upsetting enough slur that I’d say even if that is a subgenre name, they need a new one. I would say “need to not make porn of that” but no one can overrule Rule 34, sadly.

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I guess I really have a type when create character🤣(Nioh 2, Wo Long and Rise of the Ronin)