
$20 Steam Giftcard Giveaway!

Hello fellow girl gamers!!

My second otome visual novel launches in just seven days, and I wanted to do a giveaway to celebrate the upcoming release for Keepers of Astraela.

Leave any comment below for a random chance to win a $20 Steam giftcard! The winner will be selected through Redditraffler, and must have a post or comment history in r/girlgamers along with an account age of 10 days and minimum karma of 150.

Giveaway ends on Wednesday, 9/25/24 at 12 pm CST!

If you'd like to follow my studio, or show support for the game in others ways, here are the best links.

Discord | Wishlist Keepers of Astraela | Follow GSE Studios on Itch or Steam | Play the KoA Demo | Mailing list

Find More Gamer Girl Thots On: FamousInternetGirls


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Here are some of my favorite games with female protagonists. What are yours?

Anyone else have this problem? She lays on my mouse hand then gets mad and bites me if I move it too much. 🙃