Thoughts on buying used games? Some games I wanna try but idk if I’ll like them
So I ain’t gonna pay $60 for a single game. So I found some used for $25 soooo what’s everyone’s thoughts on used games?
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Buying Used Games??

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Nothing wrong with buying used games! I have bought quite a few and haven’t had any issues with them!
The key is testing the games to make sure they boot up/work if you are picking up in person. If buying online, make sure there is a return policy if it doesn’t work when you receive it.
If you are buying older “retro” games (GBC, GBA, DS etc), you will want to make sure they are authentic over on r/gameverifying.
I buy used games for my 3DS. I’d say pay attention to the reverse side photo to make sure its not badly scratched up or damaged. If they don’t show the reverse I don’t buy them.
Just make sure the seller or the website has a money back guarantee
Only downside is usually you don’t get the box, but if you don’t care about collecting those then go ahead!
I’ve sold used games on Mercari and buyers were all happy with them! Just make sure it’s a trustworthy seller and like others said test the games.
Or alternatively, you can buy a new physical game and sell it later if you don’t like it.
As someone who runs a used game store, i think it’s pretty neat to do 🙂
Just make sure to test it first but I’ve bought used games a ton of times with no issues!
Do it! I do this all the time for switch games. The prices never go down seemingly with them.
If it doesn’t work make sure you are protected with whatever service you use for a refund. Honestly though, I’ve bought a few in person on offer up and had no problems.
I got over half my games Used. I would like to be able to buy everything brand new, but that’s not always financially possible and buying games used is an amazing solution to that.
I mostly buy from some local sites and stores that I trust and the occasional family member or friend. I have gotten scammed before, so I am quite careful when ordering from strangers and try to avoid it.
But you will definitely save money in the long run if you buy games used. It’s also great if you want to buy a game, but not support the creators if they happen to be horrible people.
I’ve sold SO many games on eBay. Some of them were rare and still in their cases, so I would get the insurance. But then I’d also wrap them in tissue paper with a little note 🤣 I’m sure 95% of the people didn’t care but maybe one person liked it.
Check people’s reviews before buying from them though. Make sure they have some.
Super off topic but this just reminded me of switch game cartridges tasting extremely horrible and bitter so kids don’t eat them.
(I did lick it out or curiosity not sure I would recommend lol)
New, used, pirated. They are all fine (for piracy I live by if it’s been out for x many years go for it with x being based on how much the game is and if it’s indie)
I buy used all the time. Usually a fraction of the price, unless it’s retro stuff. Half of my non-PC games are used. They play the same as long as there’s no pcb damage or anything.
I get huge amounts of my games used because many new relaeases here can be $160 for the collectors or around $100 for the standard release. I just don’t have the money to splash out on new games every year.
Half my collection is used. Like others said, pay attention to the details to spot fakes. Also, and other game pricing sites. I bought my Zelda: BOTW for 15, new in box.
To be honest…it’s still in the wrapper. I started my Masters program while working full time so please don’t judge me too harsly. I’m cheap so I usually wait and buy on sale.
I have almost exclusively bought games used for the last decade. It’s a great way to save money and try out a genre or series that you may not be interested in at full price. The best part is that once you are done with it you can always sell it for a similar price.
I definitely recommend that you buy from somewhere reputable like a local “retro” and used game store or somewhere like ebay that has a money back guarantee that is either customer biased or no fuss. First thing to do once you get the game is test it to make sure it works and saves, if it’s an older game verify it’s authentic as reproductions of stuff like gameboy games are typically very low quality and you could lose your save data for no apparent reason.
I would heavily avoid used switch games now that there are switch carts out. Someone can dump a game and sell it if you both run that game while connected to the Internet, Nintendo can *and will* ban you despite you doing no wrong.
> So I ain’t gonna pay $60 for a single game
There’s another way you can save money on ganes
Only time I ever buy switch games new is if they are digital and the sale is so steep that it’s not worth it to pay shipping for a used copy.
Otherwise I buy them used on eBay and resell them when I am done. Well, my fiancé does 😛 but still. I think he paid $5 per Zelda game to play them all the way through after everything? They don’t really go down in price too much but you can also resell them for about the same, cheaper if you just want to be rid of it.
Edit to add he’s always bought them with the cases too. Not boxes I guess but the case, yeah
I think it’s perfectly fine to buy used games!! 😀 As long as they (cartridges) aren’t damaged on the back, that is (where it’s read, etc.). I would check the description to see if it’s playable, and make sure that the seller is trustworthy by looking into their past sales and reviews, and maybe by contacting them, to be sure! 🙂 If I’m not mistaken, Switch games are different from DS games. Switch games are tied to your account, rather than the cartridge alone, like a DS game. So, if a Switch cartridge is buggy, you can always buy a new cartridge without the fear of losing your progress 😊👍🏽
As long as you’re wary of seller trustworthiness, return policies etc I think it’s great, especially in getting cheaper or off sale games. Usually cartridges hold up better than disc but maybe u can ask to see footage of them using the game to prove it works or smth.
i have a few used games, mainly nintendo ones since they hate to throw first party games on sale. as long as you’re buying from somewhere trusted with some kind of decent policy for refunding or you’re able to see the cartridge itself beforehand to inspect it, it’s a decent way to get games.
As a kid buying used games was the only way I could afford them so that’s all I did 😄
About 90% of my N64 collection came from buying used at the local shop.
i’ve never had any issues with buying used games, it’s a way cheaper way to add to your collection (especially with nintendo games)