
[NS Giveaway] Cozy RPG and farming/crafting/dating My Time at Sandrock from Pathea Games

Hello r/GirlGamers

About us:

Pathea Games is an independent developer. We have My Time at Sandrock, My time at Portia, Let's School and many interesting games.

About My Time at Sandrock:

It's a game you, as a new builder, arrive in the wild and rugged city-state, where it’s up to you and your trusty tools to restore the community to its former glory. Gather resources to build machines, befriend locals, and defend Sandrock from monsters — all while saving the town from economic ruin!

Clearer trailer:




Before we begin:

We are thrilled to announce the release of V1.2.2 for the Switch. This update addresses a significant number of bugs, greatly improves graphical performance, and most importantly, ensures that the Switch version will no longer lag behind the PC version. Switch players can now enjoy the latest updates as soon as they are available, including the pet feature in the upcoming V1.3. We believe it's a perfect time to start the journey!

There will be FIVE NS digital copies and the rules:

  1. Comment with your favorite RPG or cosy game memory to enter.
  2. One comment per person.
  3. Winner will be chosen randomly via Reddit Raffler.
  4. Accounts must be at least two weeks old to win.
  5. The giveaway ends at 6 PM CST, April 26th

Thank you for your participation and we can't wait to show the amazing My Time World to you!

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  1. This at the top of my feed LETS GOOOOO

    Unpacking memory: >! Wait I’m back it said memory but I realized I didn’t share a specific one, just lovebombed about this game. So a specific memory: spreading out all the protags nerdy stuff in her living room after she got her own place, then juxtapositioning that with how cramped it was at her ex bfs place. The shared living room had all his crap everywhere leaving very little room for her stuff – I was so annoyed having to squeeze in. They did a wonderful depicting the duality of a Living Room in a space that’s not shared vs solely yours! Ugh i love this game !<

    Fallout NV memory (since i recently finished the show): not really a favorite memory but I remember finishing setting up a mod homebase, and just looking around quietly. My armor was on a stand, weapons racked and music playing. I think I even had a fishtank lol, idk it was just a moment of calm. Not depressing loneliness, just being alone and safety in a game like that.

    Okie dokie 👍 thank you for the giveaway!

  2. Gosh, endless memories.

    Favorite RPG memory was getting to the big reveal for the first time in KOTOR. I was just a kid, so it hit me like a ton of bricks…hadn’t even thought of it! I’ve replayed it so many times and it helped me fall in love with star wars.

  3. My favorite cozy game memories were made with stardew valley it’s a game I have played since the beginning and I have watched it grow into something incredible. It has help me through some of the worst times in my life. I’ve been able to not only play by myself but also with friends and family. I have made so many memories with this cozy game.

  4. My favorite rpg is Baldurs Gate 3. I don’t have any specific “favorite” memories for it to be honest, it was mainly just the entire feel of excitement In Act 1. I was so happy everytime I found something new, or hit a big plot point. It was so calming teleporting to camp and just chilling there listening to the music.

  5. I played a bunch of Portia, but never got around to buying Sandrock, so this is exciting for me!

    My favorite cozy gaming moment was when I hit 100% in Stardew Valley. I love going back into that save file and showing people around my tea room, aquarium, and crafting hut! I have it saved to a windy spring day, so there are always cherry blossoms in the air when I start it up.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. This is so cool, Sandrock seems like such a cozy game ! 💕

    I’d like to share my memory from one of my favorite cozy games, Animal Crossing New Horizons! I remember my partner and I were long distance, so we went on a date in the game instead. She showed me around her island, we wore matching clothes, and took a bunch of pictures. Even went on a lil date inside their cafe! We capped it off by watching a meteor shower in the evening 💕 The game definitely helped us connect with each other, even if we were far away and I’ll remember that always!

  7. I was playing Divinity Original Sin with my husband. We entered a new area and I suggested that I take my tank and scout ahead for traps or particularly strong enemies. He responded something along the lines that he was a great and powerful wizard and that there was nothing that could defeat him. Seconds later, this weird blobby monster floated onto the screen and self-destructed, instantly killing everyone except my tank who died from burning a few seconds later. He has never been able to live that moment down.

  8. My favourite cosy game memory is probably driving around in Lake and singing at the top of my lungs along to the music in the truck.

    I’d love to play my time at Sandrock as I played a lot of Portia!

  9. Just popping in to say I thoroughly enjoy both your guys’ games! So glad to see you guys active on here and spreading the love~ Can’t wait to see what you do next!! (My Time at Branarock? My Time at Highwind?!)

  10. I’m not entering, I’m just here to tell anyone on the fence that you should, because Sandrock is SUCH a good game! If you like cozy games but also enjoy proper storylines and questing and dungeoning, and especially if you want townsfolk and romance options with some actual depth to them, PLAY THIS GAME.

  11. I think my favorite rpg memory has to be playing Breath of the Wild and learning how to do the wind bombs to move around fast lol. The sheer goofiness of blowing myself up to generate more momentum is just too funny for me and I can’t help but laugh everytime I see/do it lol

    My favorite cozy memory has to go to Minecraft and making an axolotl aquarium/sanctuary by my house inside a nice little cave. Between the lanterns, moss, and dim lighting it was just always so nice to return home and see how my little fellas were doing, tending to my farms, and refining the look of it all to be more in line with a cottage in the cave type of look.

  12. This is so lovely. Have heard great things about Sandrock and it’s been on my list to get for sure.

    Dragon Age was my favorite RPG series but for crafting related RPGs, I’d have to say Raft thus far. I’m a sucker for a slower paced simple crafting adventure type game that I can pick up easily where I left off.

  13. One of my fave cozy game moments was starting up my animal crossing on switch, started playing just as the pandemic shut everything down here. It was such a nice way to get away from it all. Loved connecting with people and visiting their islands especially since you couldn’t visit in person.

  14. Thank you for sponsoring a giveaway!

    Hmm, I’ll have to spoiler one of my favorite/stand out memories for an RPG. It’s from an older SEGA Genesis RPG called Phantasy Star IV.

    >!One of the main protagonist, Alys Brangwin, sacrifices herself for her the other party member that she essentially adopted and mentored. She eventually succumbs to her wounds and dies in a cutscene. This happens fairly early in the game. My brother and I (being small children) thought that if we just leveled up our healer more and used a stronger spell, we could save Alys. The cutscene in which she dies, the healer of the group specifically names a low level healing spell and how it isn’t strong enough. Naturally, if the healer was stronger and had access to higher level spells, the crisis would be averted. So, we grinded for about a week until we got the max level healing spell then proceeded with the main story quest. It was that day we learned about scripted events and linear stories as we watched the same events unfold. The healer, despite being over-leveled and over-geared still used the same low level healing spell and still did not have enough power to save our party member. It was all a bit anti-climatic but definitely one of the core memories of gaming from childhood. As kids we always used to fight over everything but we were able to work together to try to save a favorite character. Both of us were essentially nonplussed when the spoiler event happens in FF7 because of this event.!<

    Good luck to all the other participants!

  15. my favorite cozy game memory is playing animal crossing new leaf with my best friend and both of us managing to get our dream villagers in our towns after months of cycling for them.

    thanks for doing this giveaway! i love mtap and i’ve been looking forward to sandrock for a long time.

  16. My favorite “cosy game” memory was playing Hamtaro Ham Hams Unite on the Gameboy Color under my covers when I was supposed to be asleep. I’d play until the batteries died! I loved the Hamtaro games because I really liked the idea of being tiny in a big world, and not many games did that back then. Also the ham hams were all adorable!

    Thank you for doing a giveaway, I’m glad there is a bigger variety of these types of simulation games now.

  17. My favorite RPG memory and game: in Planescape Torment, discovering the nameless one’s true name and subsequently giving an answer at the ending, to the arc question: What can change the nature of a man?  Still sends thrills through my spine.

  18. My favourite cozy game memory is playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the first time! It came during a difficult time in my life after a huge move, and the pandemic hitting, and it provided some much needed comfort and joy.

    Thank you!

  19. Thank you so much for the giveaway! Played Portia in the past and loved it, would love to try this game out as well!

    My favorite cozy game memory was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend, each of us on our steam decks playing Stardew Valley Co-Op together. I had played the game before but he hadn’t, and it was great to see him discover all the little things as each day went by.

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So did anyone download the update for Fallout 4 yet?

In Remembrance of Sonu, The Golden Gaming Cat