
3D Farm Sim Game Recommendation- SunnySide

SunnySide is set in a small town in Japan where you have bought a plot of land (you can eventually have 4). There isn't a house so you start off with a tent. 3 styles of houses can be built (and I think you can have more than 1 one on your plot) your drone's Build Mode which allows you to plan the layout of the farm before you build anything. You can stick a list of required materials to the screen.

Seeds are gotten by ordering from the SunnySeed app or allowing certain plants get to the flowering stage. Lots of plants are annual with some being perennial. You can buy trees such as cherry and lemon. You water your outside plants with a hose, not a watering can, or you could build an irrigation system. You can also make puddles with the hose.

There are 32 residents in SunnySide and you can date 25 of them. The characters have their own sexual identity which to me makes them feel more real. They will or will not date you depending on your gender identity. I quite like this as it makes the relationship more fulfilling to me. You can choose to hang out or go on a date. You pick the location and activity.

If you aren't interested in cooking you can go eat at Naka, the restaurant, or buy food and drinks from vending machines.

You can travel by foot, bike, scooter/moped or kei car. You have to get to Higashi, the city, by by bus though.

SunnySide is coming out on the 24th of May for PC and the 10th of July for PS5. It is unfortunately not coming out on the Switch.
Latest trailer –

There is a demo available right now that covers the first 10 days. You can choose to play RPG Mode, Cozy Mode or Custom Mode. The length of day can also be changed.

There are so many more things I love about the game but I think the post is long enough already so feel free to ask me if you want to know what else there is in the game. I haven't been able to play it yet so I can't speak to what the gameplay is like but there are videos on YouTube and a discord you can join.

Edit: deleted an extra link.

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  1. Thought I might add some things I like while I have some time. Keep in mind most of these are what I remember from the livestreams.

    You can walk the dog!

    Clothes aren’t restricted to gender.

    There are foxes and raccoons.

    Snow builds up and you can see where you walked through it.

    There’s a cinema in Higashi that you can go to on a hangout.

    You can play a crane game which is one of the ways you can get some collectible plushies.

    You can swim.

  2. More than one style and size of greenhouse. You can even put a bed in them!

    Umbrellas are used when it’s raining.

    After a hangout or date you can choose to give a gift, say something nice or ask the character if they need anything.

    You can have bunnies on your farm.

    Can have curvy paths.

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