
Baldur’s Gate 3

Anyone have a least favorite part of the game? Mine is the shadow cursed land. I usually like dark things like that, but it's impossible to beat. I just have start new characters when I get to it to avoid the headache. This game itself is one big headache. 😖

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  1. Really hate how much of act 3 was cut, like I wanted to be able to go into the upper city along with how rushed act 3 feels

    Plus hate the ending for a specific companion (but won’t mention who it is here as I can’t remember how to spoiler mark something on the phone)

  2. Act3 has so many things I want to do, its hard to pick which one to do first. Act2 isn’t too bad once you figure out how to nullify the shadow curse. THen its just a normal dungeony area. With quite the creepy vibe.
    I think my least favorite area is Shar’s temple. I find that area drags a bit for me.

  3. Spoilers for Act 3 – >!When your companion gets kidnapped by Orin.!< It doesn’t really add anything and makes you feel obligated to do that questline ASAP even if you *know* there’s no real time limit.

  4. The start of act 3 where there’s just so much to do really stopped my second playthrough. It’s weird because I loved act 3 so so much the first time, but this time I enjoyed act 2 the most.

    OP, I don’t know if you’ve tried it, but if you don’t wanna suffer too much in the shadow cursed lands, just get the blood of lethander in the Rosymorn Monastery in act one. My second play though was too easy because of that thing. That might be why I liked act 2 so much the second time lmao.

  5. Act 3 in general. The pace got thrown off and once Astarion’s personal quest was over, I felt less motivated to keep going. I started over and had much more fun redoing Act 1.

    My least favorite fight so far is the boss for Shadowheart’s personal quest. There are so many enemies that it gets long and tedious waiting for your turn.

  6. Looks like a yassified/bold glamour Sokka. I haven’t beaten the game yet, but I hate everything about Moonrise Towers and the Mind Flayer Colony. It feels really broken. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to stealthily free Wulbren without a fight, which blows my cover, and I never did find out that one lady without a tadpole’s deal. She hated “my kind” apparently, which I assumed meant True Souls, but she died defending Moonrise against the Harpers? What was up with her?

    And the mindflayer colony. I’m not good with blood and guts at all, and I had to take frequent breaks. I was low on health and spell slots fighting my way through there, and I left all the brain jars back at camp with no way to retrieve them, so I missed a lot of content. I accidentally missed freeing Zevlor too, but there is no way I’m going back and replaying that just for him.

    Moonrise sucked, but I’m enjoying Act III a lot more so far

  7. my least favorite part of the game is act 2, not because of the zone or anything. it’s just probably my least favorite story arc because i cannot care in any aspect about the main act 2 villain. he’s like a combination of some of my least favorite tropes all in one.

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