
What men call fan service of male characters vs actual fan service of male characters

Anybody so sick of men using the "muscles are objectifying" argument against women who speak against fan (perv) service of female characters. Is it because they never see actual fan service of male characters or that their image of women is default fan service. Enough with the gas lighting xD first pic is stock photo from the franchise so no source. Second the artist is shown

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  1. Honestly? If a series wants to have its women running around in string bikinis, all the more power to them. Long as the men are likewise running around with speedos and the same level of jiggle physics.

    I am very tired of the whole “Muscles are objectification” or “Muscles are fan service” when they don’t actually take womens opinions in for what they want to see out of fan service from men in games.

  2. This makes me insane. Men have such a warped idea of what objectification even is, and examples of objectified male game characters are very hard to come by because they don’t really exist outside of mods. Show men a picture of Astarion from Baldur’s Gate in the Wavemother’s robe and they clutch their pearls so hard they start foaming at the mouth even though putting someone in a sexy outfit isn’t necessarily objectifying.

    They think men like tits and ass, women like muscles, end of. So Conan the Barbarian in his soiled loincloth should be the most erotic thing ever, right? They can not parse the idea that straight/bi women might find a male character in a sexy outfit attractive and if they do, they’re a mentally ill fujoshi.

    Plus they think “objectification” just means “bangable” when it is seeing a character as a thing. A decoration or a prop instead of a person with inner feelings, motivations and plans for the future. It’s irritating af to me

  3. For me I want them to do to the male game characters what they do to the female game characters.

    I’m talking unconventional outfits, on a mission to save a confidential? LATEX PANTS THAT SPLIT HIS ASS INTO TWO AND A TIGHT ASS TANK TOP!!! CROP THE TOP TO WHILE YOUR AT IT!




  4. It’s not only about muscles, it’s about how much skin is exposed and how hot the outfits are lol. I think the only series that actually does male fanservice in a tasteful way is Final Fantasy. Like Sephiroth’s exposed titty window, THAT’S fanservice. Actually, I think he’s the perfect example of the female gaze. Hot, sexy, but still feminine in a way and not ultra masculine and macho like a lot of men desire to be.

  5. I think I get your point. Though I think the 2nd pic isn’t the best example because looking up at someone is still giving a power angle so the emphasis is different from when women are objectified, plus the character looks like any other dude video game character serving a male power fantasy. Also you had to go to fan art to find it! Men are just treated differently in media, and also in life, lol.

    When dudes say that Geralt was made for women, I tend to think that if he were, he’d look a lot more like Fenris!

  6. Whenever I hear the “muscles are objectification of men” argument I always immediately think of this Hugh Jackman comparison. The same man on a magazine marketed towards men vs on a magazine marketed towards women. Tell me again who’s obsessed with muscles?? Like seriously; I want the guy who looks like he’d cook me a nice meal and then cuddle with me by the fireplace, not the angry-looking dude who looks like he could rip me in half. Men seem to confuse what *they* think is ~masculine and desirable~ with what women actually want. (Not saying that some women aren’t attracted to the bulging veiny muscled look, but the general consensus seems to be that we prefer a sweet wholesome guy with a good personality)

  7. Whenever men bring up male fan service they really miss the point. I don’t think women would be throwing a fit if we were given more absolutely ripped women bodying their enemies. The sexualisation is not equal. The sexualisation of men rarely caters to the female gaze. Oftentimes the male characters are cool in general.

    Furthermore, many men also get pretty pissy when it comes to male characters. Thor in God of War was met with so many guys seething about his body type.

  8. These characters and their designs are meant to be male power fantasies. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s delusional to act like it’s actually fan service for women, especially when game developers ignored our demographic for so long.

  9. That’s the safest you can do before it officially becomes gay porn. The artist wants to suck his dick so bad. Good for him.

    I think we will find liberation if we make gay erotic artists desing male characters for videogames.

  10. Hard disagree that the second image is fan service for women. 

    Looking up at a man from this angle is basic porn-for-men 101. Woman on her knees (as implied from this angle) with him “domineering” over her. 

    And the quote itself is about the man demanding the reader service HIM. 

    This is just another example of fan service for men, not women. 

  11. Don’t disagree with you but I want to throw out that maybe Chris Redfield is not the greatest example, lolololol. Capcom always gives him somewhat homoerotic costumes. E.g., [Warrior Chris]( and [Sailor Chris]( Especially [this official art]( xD

  12. Your second example is just barely what you say it is. For a better example search Vyers/Mid-boss from Disgaea.

    I was trying to think of a male league character. There are a few males who are sexy but not necessarily sexualized. Compare that to the fact that there are canonically at least three female league characters who use their sexuality as a honey trap to do murders (Evelynn, Ahri, Zyra)

  13. Yea but that’s fanservice for men too. All those insanely unrealistic muscles- men love that guy. Men care about “gains” and gym progress and most women, unless they are also gym babes – don’t. Men get their validation for that from other men. Ever see men body building ig comments? – it’s all men! “Good job bro, awesome gains, what’s your max lift…”

  14. My favorite current example of over the top male fanservice is just.. Dio in FF7 Rebirth. The sheer level of what they did with him, especially his entrance, feels like pure male fanservice, but it was still wholly consistent with his FF7 Classic portrayal, and he still managed to be a good character.

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