Thanks for reminding me I need to get back to playing at some point! I built a whole factory town where all of my production gets done with underground train tunnels, and I can probably build it better with all the new updates :O
I played it a while ago in early access and have been waiting for the final release. been playing way too much since last week.
I made a conscious effort to make bases far apart so I could justify using trains. now I have multiple train lines snaking through the island, doing twisty spirals, waving in and out between rock formations, even fully submerging off the beach for a while
Might be a weird question, but why do girl gamers seem very underrepresented in this particular genre of game? I was looking for streams to watch and it was exclusively men which hasn’t been my experience with other games
I just picked it up a few days ago with the 1.0 release, and I’m loving it! It’s seriously satisfying to create increasingly complex factories and infrastructure across the world.
I want to get into it but the switch from 2D to 3D for me from factorio just… doesn’t click. i think id enjoy it co-op? But solo, the fixed terrain and extra dimension is stress
I play it with 2 different friend groups now. Amazing game. 10/10 would buy again
Absolutely! I got a bunch of my friends into it, and we’re slowly but surely growing our factory!
I own the game but I don’t have my desktop in my dorm and my laptop can’t run it 😭
I’m addicted to about every factory games… Including Satisfactory! I started a new map to test the new update and I’m having a lot of fun right now!
Wish I could get friends together to be able to play. Everyone is always like “hmmm yeah that looks interesting maybe” lol
Thanks for reminding me I need to get back to playing at some point! I built a whole factory town where all of my production gets done with underground train tunnels, and I can probably build it better with all the new updates :O
Yesssss ive been having a blast playing this with my partner!!!
I played it a while ago in early access and have been waiting for the final release. been playing way too much since last week.
I made a conscious effort to make bases far apart so I could justify using trains. now I have multiple train lines snaking through the island, doing twisty spirals, waving in and out between rock formations, even fully submerging off the beach for a while
lizard doggo best character
Might be a weird question, but why do girl gamers seem very underrepresented in this particular genre of game? I was looking for streams to watch and it was exclusively men which hasn’t been my experience with other games
I just picked it up a few days ago with the 1.0 release, and I’m loving it! It’s seriously satisfying to create increasingly complex factories and infrastructure across the world.
I want to get into it but the switch from 2D to 3D for me from factorio just… doesn’t click. i think id enjoy it co-op? But solo, the fixed terrain and extra dimension is stress
I hate the new Ada voicelines they have absolutely 0 subtlety😭😭😭
Im still playing the Minecraft mods that birthed the genre lol