I just wanna play House Flipper. 😂
Anyone else have this problem? She lays on my mouse hand then gets mad and bites me if I move it too much. 🙃

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Every morning … 🙄
Ummm no, it’s time to be her pillow. Understand your role in her kingdom.
like all the time
Wish I’d had this problem tbh 😭 cute as heck but I can see how it can be just a tiniest bit annoying hehe
Guess I won’t be drawing today
I lost my girl last August who used to do this all the time. 💔
Try to appreciate the snuggles while you have them, even if it gets you killed in video games. My soulcat Zen frequently got me killed.
My cat thinks my keyboard is a pillow, or the hand trying to type is.
What do you mean “My mouse hand” it’s her mouse hand now; Cat Law is in effect.
All the time!
This one would always drape himself over arms and hands.
She is now the mouse
Oh I know that very well. My cat lays his entire body on my arm to make sure I don’t move.
This is actually both my my kitties being adorable and demanding attention
It’s the reason I gave up art for a while 😂 but I love it!!! Cherish them!!
I’m loving this post with everyone sharing their cats, they are all so cute ♥ I have a dog, but when my brother’ cats were around, one of them loved to stand in front of my screen.
She reaches for me if I don’t give enough attention.
If I keep playing instead of petting her she will bite me lol
I wish to join
Pulled my hand away for this one 😊
my cat sits on my keyboard 😐
My late cat used to do that all the time! I actually loved it alot, it was so sweet. And when it was time for us to get to bed, she would sit directly in front of the screen, behind my keyboard. She knew how to play me like a fiddle.
Two of my cats do this, they also start purring and rubbing against my laptop :3
All the time, my cat just wants to sleep on top of my right hand just when I’m trying to use the mouse lol
Omg your post and the replies made my day 🥹 aww
I love this thread 💜 everyone’s cats are so freaking cute!
In case you want advice, though – check out getting a heated cat bed, especially if you can put it on your gaming desk. You can redirect your cat to sleep there without feeling completely cruel.
My cat likes to surprise jump towards my laptop keyboard. She will plop herself all over it and then attack me if I attempt to pick her up.
It’s especially bad if it’s running a game since the added weight and body heat I fear could damage it. So when I play on the laptop, I will keep a plushie on my keyboard to protect from surprise cat attacks. The game ive been playing can be played with just a mouse.
My cat didn’t bite me, but…
She did used to do the cutest thing trying to swipe at my phone when she wanted attention. ♥
And she looks like a sweetie, my sister had one that color and one of the nicest cats i’ve known.
Do you also keep kitty clippers nearby because your kitty is a bit difficult to trim the nails for, so you keep them nearby so you can do it at any opportunity? I hope that made sense.
Because that’s why I always have their trimmers nearby.
I’ve seen that if you give or make a little computer or laptop they’ll let you play. I only mention it because I want to see pics of cats “gaming.”