Hope it’s not just me who loved kingdom hearts in my childhood? 🫶🤍
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Hope it’s not just me who loved kingdom hearts in my childhood? 🫶🤍
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Definitely not just you! 😊❤
Sometimes I pull up Simple and Clean on YouTube just to feel something again
You are not the only one 💜 I *obsessed* over Kingdom Hearts as a child, despite not actually having a PS2 lol. I watched a friend play it at her house and the rest was history ~ I got super into cosplay YouTube skit shows like Demyx Time 💀
I dropped off really hard after Birth by Sleep, though. I really should try to go all the way back through the series and actually finish it when I’m able
I was always a Nintendo gal growing up but when KH1 came out I remember playing it at my cousin’s house and staying up super late with the TV on mute trying to beat Kurt Zisa and getting in tons of trouble when we woke his mom up. I didn’t get a PS2 until later, but I had a gameboy advance so I could play Chain of Memories and I binged that game so much. Absolutely adored it. Then when I finally got my own PS2 for my birthday a few months before KH2 came out it was all I played. I remember finally beating Kurt and calling him to celebrate. It was a great time, and I still think 2 is one of the best designed action RPGs ever.
I’m still obsessed with Kingdom Hearts, Xion and Namine are so painfully relateable and deserved so much better in 3 than what they got. I still don’t forgive Isa and Even. After everything they did, Isa doesn’t just get to go “whoops, sorry”, and I still don’t buy that someone as evil as Vexen would even want to make amends, emotions or not, what he did to Namine and Xion isn’t something anyone with a shred of scientific ethics would do.
I can still remember my mind being blown the first time I played Kingdom Hearts! I really liked the second one too.
When I played the third one a few years ago… just didn’t have that same feeling.
childhood? I’m still obsessed with Kingdom Hearts! I play through KH2, at the very least, once a year and regularly wear KH clothes and jewelry, you’re among friends here!
I was too old when it came out for it to be part of my childhood, but my young adulthood, yes.
Oh, I remember playing the shit out of this game! I grinded for weeks to finally master the sephiroth fight. I remember looking up tips for the fight on gamefaqs.
How would it be? It was very popular.
In my childhood and also still now lol 😌
I will be in my retirement home blasting simple and clean and sanctuary
Not just you, though i only played 358/2 Days 😅