
Women need to show off their cleavage to avoid overheating when fighting horrifying monsters

From the Kai’sa subreddit

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  1. Its especially funny considering Kai’Sas dad is also in the game, also being a human fighting the void, but he has full armor where no part of him is visible anymore

    (Yes I know its different because her symbiote is more natural, but still)

  2. And like…her design doesn’t communicate her story. She doesn’t look like she’s fighting tooth and nail to survive in the void. THAT’S her story. In her lore it’s NOT easy for her to be in the void. But you wouldn’t know that by looking at her.

  3. It’s so sad because this attitude permeates even on lgbtq+/inclusive LoL subreddits. Just had a massive argument with folks shitting on a redesign of champs to make them look a bit more masculine/unique facial features, and comments were all calling them men/males.

  4. It’s so disingenuous.

    You can use that logic (if you want) if you apply it to everyone. Same with “Flexibility is helpful in combat, that’s why they’re damn-near naked.” Like do men not need to bend?

    Like misogyny is bad, but it’s just pathetic when they have to pretend it’s not there. I wouldn’t have much respect for them, but I’d at least have some if they were honest about it (I just wanna see titties and that’s more important to me than realism or considering a perspective other than my own).

  5. I mean I prefer wider necklines when I’m moving around a lot but that’s because when I sweat and wear a tighter shirt collar, it feels very uncomfortable, but that usually means it’s a t-shirt from the women’s clothing section and not a unisex sized shirt, and like I’m still not wearing a deep v neck that shows off cleavage

  6. Gosh the male gaze and the most ludicrous things people say to justify it in video games. I recently had one guy telling me that Bayonetta was empowering but it’s about power, control, and how certain narratives are pushed forward at the expense of others. I had to tell them that characters like Bayonetta and in this case Kai’Sa, arr just made to feign inclusivity whilst actually catering to a hetro male audience. In video games, this means female characters are often designed to be visually appealing to men, rather than as fully fleshed-out individuals with their own stories, motivations, or agency.

    Narratives like the one in the image above not only flattens female characters into one-dimensional figures but also actively reinforces harmful stereotypes. Female characters are frequently sexualised or placed in supporting roles, rarely driving the story, and even more rarely allowed to exist outside of their relationship to male protagonists. Its just lazy writing and damaging. It perpetuates the idea that women are objects to be looked at, controlled, or saved, rather than active participants in the world.

    And the game design of so many league of legend female characters are just designed with male gaze as the driving force. Through poor representation of diverse body types and hypersexualised costumes, Blizzard just relationship with female characters and the female form is just one of commodification and consumption, not respect or equality. This only teaches players, often young men, to view women through a lens of desirability rather than equality and capability.

    Men that perpetuate the male gaze in video games just shows us even now in 2024 , games and media still continue to reproduce the same old power dynamics of sexism and misogyny. That keep women on the periphery, rather than allowing them to be at the centre with good character designs and fleshed out narratives.

    Thank you for sharing, Blizzard is notorious for sexual harassment and gender discrimination [Source]( and it’s important to keep evidence of how it seeps into their games and community

  7. Aside from seeing unrealistic cleavage outfits; I have known top heavy women in person complain that the reason they do show cleavage with a vneck is that it does get sweaty with just walking outside. They were also quite supportive of men in vnecks and is where I learned the term.

  8. Hey, if y’all are going to talk about certain body parts in the comments, can you at least say something like cis dick or balls, cuz it’s coming off a bit exclusive. 

    Not every woman has a vagina, etc. Thanks 🌸

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