My last save crashed and I had to restart all over!! 😱😢 Then my charger died and I couldn’t charge my DS Lite!! 😡💔 Took me a long time to find a new charger!! It’s been so much in the way to get what I got now and I’m proud!! I got all my badges and now I’m gonna catch ALL the legendaries!!! So excited to start over!! ❤️🤍 I already caught Suicune, Ho-Oh and Zapdos – Named them Tsunami, Rainbow and Thunder 🥰🥰 I’m coming for the rest!! Wanted to share with all the gals!! 🩷I’m sure we can all relate to loosing all our data and having to start all over again!! 😂😂
in Fluff
Had to restart my game over and feeling so accomplished!! Got all the Johto and Kanto badges!! ❤️ The comeback is stronger than the setback!! 🥰

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Nice DS, how can you play with those nails? 😵💫 I can barely function when my nails grow haha
Congrats! I just finished replaying Heart Gold recently too, though I didn’t beat Red yet. Gold was one of my first/favorite games as a girl.
Now you should get the 5★ Black Trainer Card! I’m joking ofcourse, that would take way too long.
I love these games, definitely one of the best Pokémon games ever made. The only downside is the low levels of wild pokemon towards the end.
I should really replay the generation 4 & 5 games again.
Is that HGSS?
I really want to replay it as a Nuzlocke cause its one of the few I haven’t, but the slump in wild encounter levels is painful and i dont have an easy way to cheat rare candies onto my cartridge
Let’s see the pokemon team!