I’m not going to be happy if Glyndwr is not a love interest. Because your girl spent a good chunk of time reviving him the hard way.
in Fluff
I’m not going to be happy if Glyndwr is not a love interest. Because your girl spent a good chunk of time reviving him the hard way.

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There’s romance in the game?
He turned all red at the end of his escort quest, so I’m crossing my fingers. I did so much for this guy, please 🙏
So I just finished his questline and he blushes every time he talks to me, but uh…..>!so does his father. Like his father has personally made his way from the sacred Grove to leave a gift at my house!<. The beloved system sounded chaotic in the last game. Going to be hilarious if it decides >!his Dad!< is my beloved.
But plz give me nice Glyndrwr romance content.
Do you recommend this game? I love the first one but all the drama from this release has made me hesitant
What game is this from?
I also fell in love with him instantly! I was so happy when he showed up at my house to hang out.
My character just met him last night! I hope he’s a love interest as well 😩
Finished my first play through. Commenting my findings for anyone who’s curious.
Spoilers, so… yeah
>! The romance in game is more of a friend zone. Your chosen NPC plays the role of the beloved from the first game (kidnapped by the dragon, an end cutscene of them staring out at the ocean presumably thinking of you) but that’s about it. The credits list them as your most trusted friend. I only care to pursue Glyndwr, but I might look into the confirmed romances to see how deep they go. So far, I know they both kiss the player, but that’s all I can confirm. Sorry if this bums anyone out. I’m a bit disappointed, but there’s still way more for me to appreciate cuz I’ve been a fan of this title for years!<
Capcom does have a survey open until April to leave feedback on what we did and didn’t like about the game.
I’m not saying flood their channels with demands for romance, but I’m not saying don’t do it either
I thought the romance in the previous game was done perfect and was hoping for a repeat lmao.
I can’t even find him!!! I took him on his escort mission and saw him twice in the city and idk where he is now. I searched both the elf place and the main city
I have a different question – how do you gift the guy? Cause I’ve already done his personal quest, rescued his sister, went for a walk with him (once or twice) and now he’s standing at a training ground but only mentioning the thing I need to get for his sister, no gifting option while talking to him. He’s already blushing so I know we’re in love (uWu) but I want to shower him with gifts :3