OW2 – When your teammate’s throwing doesn’t work
in Fluff
OW2 – When your teammate’s throwing doesn’t work

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I was enjoying quickplay as Mercy when the other support decided to throw the game because I picked their one trick. But hey at least they kept their word, turns out we didn’t even need their healing.
Spoiler alert: We still won lol
Some people really need to chill out when it comes to videogames. Like I swear the world won’t end because you can’t play mercy this game.
I can get someone wanting to be their main—if someone else takes Moira and I have to play someone else I don’t perform nearly as well, no matter who else I choose.
I don’t see the point in whining and throwing because of it though. I still try my best no matter who I am.
Love that people get this butthurt in normals. There’s their opportunity to try something new lmao. I just had some of the most abusive games of overwatch today in comp and honestly this game is just getting worse. Love being told to kms in a game because 2/14 dmg having a mental breakdown.
I don’t understand how can people get so angry especially in quick playðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Recently we had simmiliar situation with me and my duo because during a break between capturing points I went for a quick pee break and when I came back our DPS was having a meltdown about how their teammates are constantly throwing matches. I was like 10s-15s late from opening the spawn gate. I wasn’t even a main healer😠and it was a quick play.
We laughed them off ofc in our discord vc, but honestly idk what was I even supposed to do in game. In the end we won the game, with our soldier getting carried by literally everyone in our team.