
Sharing my Modded Terraria Towns and Outfits

Sharing my Modded Terraria Towns and Outfits

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  1. I played lots of modded Terraria a while back. I love to build something nice rather than poor quality apartments in Terraria! I did take some screenshots of some of my outfits and towns I builts. Unfortunately since I got a new computer, haven’t gone back to reinstall them so didn’t think about getting the right screenshots so I have to work with what I already have. Either way, I wanted to share it! I am also constantly changing outfits whenever I play Modded Terraria so I only got some. I also mostly did Bows only + Summons every time :3

    1st Screenshot: The Town I built in Calamity. I thought about building a East Asian inspired type of town.

    2nd Screenshot: The Town I built in Thorium + Mod of Redemption. Thought about building a half Ice Town with an Industrial Zone in the West.

    3rd Screenshot: The Town I built in Secrets of the Shadows + The Stars Above. Thought about building a planetary colony type of town with Spaceships in the skies.

    4th Screenshot: The Town I built in Homeward Journey + Verdant. Since I also built a Lush Cave base in Minecraft, I wanted to do the same with the Verdant mod while playing the Homeward Journey mod.

    5th Screenshot: Remnants + Fargos Soul. I thought about building semi-steampunk type of town with a giant castle in the Mountains holding the frontline against the incursion of the Crimson to the East.

    6th Screenshot: Outfit + Closer Look at some of the structures in Calamity

    7th Screenshot: I was thinking of building some underground snow forge in Mod of Redemption + Thorium since Mod of Redemption had lots of cogs to use.

    8th Screenshot: The journey’s end of Calamity mod with my outfit.

    9th Screenshot: Closer look at my Secrets of the Shadows + Stars Above structures and outfit. The structure on the left was originally a generated ruined structure and I went and built something using the ruins as a starting point.

    10th Screenshot: My Homeward Journey + Verdant outfit. I really like the banner on my character.

    And to top it off, when I see furniture and chests, I see free furniture and chests and take every furniture I can find. Even the doors are taken!

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I am in a gaming rut so I decided to start playing KoTor2 on pc with mods. I am going dark side.