It’s a very age dependent question, I know. I suppose it also depends whether you work from home or not. Sadly, I don’t (any more), which is both a blessing and a curse. Blessing because it stops me from chair-rotting the whole day, but a curse because sometimes I spend most of my day outside my apartment (and away from my PC/PS4/Quest3). And personally, I don’t like gaming outside the comfort of my apartment that much — when I do, it’s mostly short, comforting, cozyish games like Paper Trail, which is my most recent find, or Spiritfarer, another one I fell in love with at first play.
That’s why, aside from short breaks with these cozy-casual games when I’m having coffee – usually before work — I don’t usually game much during regular work days. I work as a teacher and I feel as if there’s always just so much to do that when I do get home, I just don’t have the energy to invest in a long, rich game. I *could*, hypothetically, but I feel like I just wouldn’t be doing the game justice. So I just go for something that I can play on autopilot. Used to be Runescape a few years back (the oldschool one), but now I’m too casual for that and instead go straight into Last Epoch when I want to blow off steam and just destroy stuff in great numbers on my screen while trying out different playstyles. Or Slime Rancher if I’m more for a non violent but still grindy game that I don’t have to think in.
Well, that’s basically the reason why I put off so many great games and got them only when the time was juuuust right. The list includes basically all major loved RPGs like Baldur’s Gate 3, Witcher 3, Elden Ring… just off the top of my head, and many, MANY more that I’ve yet to play. It’s not all bad, though! More than making me depressed, I’m actually happy that there’s always something *good* waiting for me that I haven’t tried yet. That’s what I like to think anyway 😀
I don’t game a lot on workday evenings – though I work a regular 9-5, it’s mentally quite intensive since I’m a web dev, and I don’t always have enough spoons left at the end of the day for a complex game like Baldur’s Gate 3.
However it’s also my current obsession, so I spend my “game” time on here, or theorycrafting new characters, or puttering around in the first section of the game bc I know it like the back of my hand by now. I’ve beaten the game once, so now I feel less pressure to finish it again and can just enjoy the roleplay, saving the tough boss fights for weekends when I have the time and energy!
Not at all, I’m unemployed so I’ve got all the time in the world to play video games. Granted that’s going to change when college starts at the end of the month, so I’m taking advantage while I can
I’m disabled and not currently working so I technically have more time to play games,(But also don’t have the money to afford games) and if the timing is right I can definitely get lost in a game and put a ton of hours into it quickly, but my ADHD and chronic pain is so bad these days, I have a difficult time focusing and have trouble committing to games.
I’m a Stay at home Mom. I game when the kids are asleep, if I can stay awake long enough to do so, lmao. The other night I was playing LOTRO comfortably and my head almost smashed into my desk, I was fighting sleep so hard.
Most of the time, I default to the Sims 4. I know the mechanics and all of the packs inside and out; I don’t need to relearn anything ever. There’s no story I’ve forgotten about, and even if I did forget what my last save was doing, it’s fine, because I can just start a new one and it’ll never be the exact same game. It’s my auto-pilot, brain dead game, lmao.
I work from home and I’m disabled so I don’t get out much. I game every day and it keeps me sane.
Although I work from home, with all the house chores after work and other activities, I can’t spend a lot of time during the week playing. I totally understand not wanting to go for a gameplay while tired, some days can be really heavy and I just want to play something that I can have my own pace and stop whenever I want. Games that I can go and do a quick mission, explore around or clean a few areas to progress a bit (like Last Epoch monoliths and arenas) are always my choice. I really can’t deal anymore with games that I can’t control when they save or that I can’t stop when I want to.
Hard. I can often find the time, but not the energy.
Before my cycling injury, I had no time at all to play games. I did not realize how much I missed it! I played through a few games and then had to take a break to get set up to work from home last week. I am ready to dive back in though. I really thought I would struggle with FOMO bc I can’t go into the office or meet up with friends. Nope, staying indoors is underrated. I am going to attempt to stick to a gaming schedule though bc this new game I am currently playing is addictive. ig I find all RPGs to be addictive. I had to force myself to take a break to try to resist the pull it has on me.
It is very hard because I just came back from a 3 week long kinda vacation so I’m back to miserable job hunting again. Really hoping I can secure something regular in 1-2 weeks 😭
idk wtf is wrong with the job market at the moment. I’m flexible, can start immediately, have a couple years of experience, and I’m just looking for hospitality jobs to get by rn. Sometimes I’m even just a walking distance away, but I get rejected. Other times, they get back to me asking when I’m free for an interview and when I tell them, they don’t respond back?? Like what? lol
It depends. I’m full-time remote but I’m also in grad school part-time. Add in regular chores, time with my husband, friends and family and games tend to take a back burner. so during the semester I often have to plan out time to play games, especially during the week.
When classes aren’t going on, I’m still busy with other things but can usually squeeze in a few hours during the week and more time over the weekend. However, if there’s a game I really want to play (like FF7: Rebirth or DQ3 HD-2D) I’ll take PTO so I can give attention and ample time to it.
Currently out of work due to ongoing medical issues including mobility issues, so games, Discord friends, comics, ebooks, fanfic, crochet, cross stitch, and video essays are keeping me sane.
The hard part is finding energy. Some games are “low spoon” for me and I find I mostly stick to those. But I really look forward to when I have the energy for more demanding games!
Not. I almost wish I found less time for games but I work from home and I’m fast. Leaves hours of nothing sometimes.
I do most of my gaming on the weekend, On weekdays, I have two hours at night to cook/eat and do whatever I want/need before I have to sleep to go to work the next day.
I play for 30 minutes or so in the evening, and during lunch break on my Switch (one of the upsides of my office being a game dev studio)
Working in game dev has very long hours and by the end of the day, I am too tired to play most days.
OP, I assume you work from Monday to Friday? And do you normally have free time to play major games on weekends, or do you often find yourself tied up to other things & chores even on weekends?
I work from 3PM to 8PM all week. I’ve had no confirmation but I’ve been told I might be ADHD. I cannot play before work because I only think about not being late for work and so I only watch my current shows on streaming or I do my dailies on my idle game (takes ~10min) or any stuff that I can just close at any time and not get involved in lengthy quests or time consuming tasks.
So I only truly game at night after work, which drives my life insane because my BF works from 7AM to 5PM. We barely see each other which lends me plenty of time to play until 4AM.