
Monster Hunter giving gamers what they want 🙂‍↕️

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  1. For me it’s less about looking modest but rather looking less stupid half the time.

    Monster Hunter armour design historically always tended to show panties for no reason for girls and it just felt out of place. Other times whereas men got practical leg armour, you literally just get a thong. The girl animations also often had you pointing your butt up toward the camera so you can show your panties a lot when digging for example.

    Same for FFXIV, I’m a Dragoon and the Dragoon Artifact Armour 1 randomly has the [entire belly exposed]( Like, it was the same armour as the men’s but whereas they got a [plate over their tummy](, the women just had the entire space between their boobs and crotch exposed and everyone thought it looked entirely moronic.

    I don’t mind if an outfit shows lots of skin and is sexy as hell but it has to not be overtly for the sake of showing lewd or being ignorant to what’s actually attractive.

  2. What they want and what is historically/realistically accurate.

    I’m fine with people perving over video game characters to an extent. I do it too but when the attire is just so ridiculously off, like wearing a thong bikini while traversing the wasteland in Fallout, it just annoys me because of practicality.

    No one wants to run around with dental floss attempting to hold their tits securely or walk through high waisted grass rubbing against their vagina. That shit isn’t sexy, it hurts!

    Even being someone who enjoys looking at male anatomy and physique, there is no part of me that wishes I could see Geralt’s dong bounce around, slapping the insides of his upper thighs as he fights random monsters. The idea itself is just uncomfortable.

  3. Ngl this choice is finally going to get me to try Monster Hunter lmao my spouse loves the series but the most recent one they played, I was turned off by the gender differences between armors so I wasn’t interested. Will finally drop money haha

  4. This just reminds me of my husband’s little Xbox character, dressed as a fairy and riding a unicorn.

    And also all the Alexios players who wore the daughters of Artemis armor lolol. MEN WANT TO BE SLUTTY AND WOMEN JUST WANT NORMALCY

  5. Yes big agree, that good.

    Finally people could stop bitching about female character get sexualized, y’all don’t even care about woman sexualization in video games, y’all just want the games to cater to you hypocrite cunt.

    Finally this kind of pity party should be over.

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