
Person somehow upset the video game woman too buff and real world woman not buff enough

Just thought this was silly. The argument is that in TLOU2, a game about a zombie apocalypse, it’s too unrealistic for a woman to be buff because how could she maintain the exercise and calorie count 😑😑 and the first poster is saying that because they cast Kaitlyn Denver as Abby, that must mean there are nooo muscular women anywhere. cheese & crackers.

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  1. Based on what we see of the WLF’s home base, it’s quite feasible for her to acquire that physique, especially since in flash backs we see she already had the build for it.

    As for why they didn’t cast a more muscular woman? Maybe any who auditioned weren’t good enough, though I admit I’m a little bummed they didn’t cast someone with her build, buff women certainly exist and these fools think they’re being smug with this reveal. Annoying.

  2. Funny, I’ve never heard them use that calorie count excuse for the many, many buff men in apocalypse settings.

    Plus, if you spent any time in areas where women are doing a lot of very physical work, like farm work, you will definitely see women who are very buff. So assuming the men are getting enough food to be buff, yeah, some of the women will be too.

  3. Knowing the shit Laura Bailey went through just because she VOICED this character i feel like they casted a skinny woman to avoid backlash.

    Bro is saying its hard to find a woman with that physique as if they didn’t rip an algerian boxer to shreds for having this exact same physique

  4. Not gonna lie, this is one more reason why they should’ve at least entertained the idea of casting someone body diverse to play Abby. I’m looking forward to Kaitlyn’s performance, but Abby’s physique was intrinsic to the character and storytelling in Part II. It shouldn’t have been an easy thing to set aside when casting for the series. This erasure is a win for a lot of really shitty men.

    Downvote all you want, but none of us would be this chill if it was a different aspect of body diversity being excised from the material.

  5. I’d approach this one with caution tbh. A LOT of TLOU2’s ‘drama’ was/is a hellish mix of misogyny, homophobia and transphobia. The OOP isn’t arguing in good faith, they just like someone scorned for being called out on their bigotry.

  6. I hate the initial comment too but as somebody who has been in bodybuilding circles for a good length of time, a transformation for her to look anything close to original Abby would take years. Even with steroids. Building that volume of muscle is NOT quick for women, even with steroids. Which, by the way, all buff Hollywood actors are taking.

    I’m kinda pissed at this casting. There are muscular female actors about, even if they’re not AS jacked as Abby. There are female bodybuilders and athletes who would probably love to transition into acting, as so many men have done. I agree with another commenter who said we would all be pissed if Abby had another kind of body diversity erased.

    It’s not just like her having a different colour of hair or eyes. It’s erasing a character trait. Being that jacked as a woman speaks a lot about you as a person, about your lifestyle, your work ethic, willingness to be different and it affects social perceptions and interactions. It’s a really important part of who the character is!

  7. That sub is one of the worst places on Reddit so I just ignore any “critique” that they have for the game.

    I am a little disappointed that they didn’t cast a buff actress for Abby (Katy O’Brian was right there) as I loved her physique in the game but Kaitlyn Dever is a great actress so I’m very hopeful for the character.

    It also feels like they went with the “Conventionally attractive” version of Abby so that hopefully the audience is a bit less harsh to her once the pivotal moment happens as compared to what they would’ve been to the actress who looks like game Abby.

  8. Half agree half disagree

    Agree: they should of found a buffer woman to play her.

    Disagree: that any piece of media that doesn’t claim to be documenting historical facts needs to adhere to realism. Let’s be honest, I’m sure if we took the time you could find examples of male characters that shouldn’t have the caloric intake to have the build they do, but it’s like fiction, man.

  9. I’ve never seen anyone bitch about something like that regarding men being unrealistically muscular in video games ever. Only if the “unrealistic lifestyle” is the guy being fat, not if he’s jacked. Figures. They probably just don’t need calories for all that muscle right? /s

  10. I have seen quite a few fitness influencers almost openly asserting Hollywood A list actors are using steroid/HGH/Tren to obtain their physiques.

    One of the things the skeptical influencers like to point out is how unnecessarily complicated the disclosed fitness routines are. Instead of 50 pull-ups a day, the actor says they do some strange variation on a pull up on an exotic machine. This way, you can’t just immediately see that the actor while they are working out hard every day, could not have achieved their physique without PEDS.

    Abby’s physique is not realistic for a post apocalypse AND the men pointing this out don’t actually care about that point, they just want an excuse to roll cultural progress back to the 90’s.

  11. Well the first guy implied that muscular women are rare.. this is just another proof that this kind of people don’t get out of their mother basements and the only contact they have with women is through hentai.

    Also the second pic first of all it’s a fucking game it doesn’t need to be realistic second why is this guy only upset at Abby if he wants realism, there are muscular men in TlOU and in almost every apocalypse media, also this fuckers need to play the game at the point of TLOU part 2 society is beginning to rebuild itself we see that food is not a problem at Abby camp and we literally see Abby working out (If I remember correctly)

  12. So I lift and game and actually did have the same question one time about all the buff people we see during times of scarcity. Someone in the military fairly pointed out that making MRE-style food isn’t too difficult and you can imagine a world where (1) they exist and provide a basic floor for maintenance, and; (2) a society can also take the tact of feeding their warrior class more just because they are more active and, also, some specialties will benefit from massing.

    Also, not for nothing, but the world of TLOU doesn’t suffer from an infection that hurts the food supply. With moderate sophistication, particularly in the PNW with substantial regrowth, you could probably have enough foodstuffs, including high protein meats with different amino profiles, to “get big.”

    Anyway, yes, the temper tantrums are crap. There are also a ton of holes in the overarching zombie-like plot but we ignore those because fiction often requires some suspension of disbelief to enjoy the main thrust of the story. Cry moar, as we used to say.

  13. I’m going to cry extremely gay tears if she doesn’t beef up sufficiently for the show. She definitely has the resemblance down facewise, but Abby is… *so… so* spot-on for my (extremely butch) type that if I’m robbed of it in the one instance it exists in media, I’m excusing myself this one incel tear moment of “why woman not appeal to me when in canon she different”.

    Like, I think the Regular Heterosexual Men have had enough. Let me at least have Abby as she is.

  14. Huh, I wonder why it would be difficult to find an actress who already has Abby’s build when the world is clearly so accepting of larger and/or buff women… /s

    But in all seriousness, an actress who genuinely looked like Abby 24/7 would probably be offered fewer roles than similarly muscular men. Until society gets used to women looking strong, most actresses will have to get buff for roles like this.

  15. These people are absolute couch potatoes who have never touched training equipment…

    As someone who’s working out a lot and lives in ketosis (no carbs aside what I take in with vegetables), and as such having a diet that probably resembles that of an apocalyptic scenario relatively closely, that build is 100% achievable under those circumstances. Heck, I’d argue it’s even more likely with the high necessity of physical labor and as someone like Abby, very combat heavy lifestyle. But hey, it’s the really old “can’t jack off to it” mindset striking again. I feel nothing but disdain for my birth gender at this point (few exceptions existing, though those are also disgusted with their fellow males).

    ETA: Also they conveniently forgot AGAIN how jacked Jane Foster’s actress got for the mighty Thor role (…I somehow keep forgetting her RL name lmao)

  16. Tell me you haven’t seen ” _ “, without saying it….

    – Mandalorion
    – The Olympics
    – P!nk
    – Cameron Diaz
    – Blade: Trinity – Jessica Biel
    – Aliens – Jeanette Goldstein
    – tomb raider – Alicia Vikander

  17. Funny how this is ONLY brought up with women and the lack of supplies ONLY come up when she’s muscular and not when she doesn’t have makeup- oh no but women CLEARLY never sun out of makeup or razors or wax in ANY apocolyps story but they’d always be low on food to prevent them from gaining muscles… burh

  18. You can tell they were really proud of this comment too.

    Setting aside in-world explanations, I love how, in a world full of mushroom zombies, the nutritional intake of a muscular woman is where they decide things need to be the fact checked

  19. Buff women exists but with the current beauty standard being women “thin”, men “muscular” it’s harder to find an actual buff woman, and actress/voice actress too, you narrow down the chances. Luckily there are quite a lot of minds that think our of the box and achieved that physique as a woman, makes me think about the famous LeanBeefPatty but there are tons of others who prefer being buff.

  20. Other people have made excellent points – it’s certainly not out of the question for the actress to be bulking and training up for the role – but they’ve also really cherry picked a picture to compare to the game. Oh, a classic red carpet gown photo doesn’t match a rugged character living in the post-apocalypse? You don’t say 🙄 it’s almost like it’s a specific kind of glamour and make up designed to highlight and accentuate beauty in every way, instead of a character living in survival mode 🤦🏻‍♀️

    It’s called training, costuming, and effects make up – most TV and film productions use it 🤷🏻‍♀️

  21. because Hollywood actors have a certain beauty standard and that usually doesn’t include being buff af at least for women.

    It’s super hard to find a lot of Body types in hollywood other than skinny and lean if you’re not willing to look outside of already established actresses

    they could cast a wrestler but good luck finding one with the acting chops necessary for such a role.

    und actors going through extreme body transformations is unheard of in Hollywood apparently.

    Not that I even expect her to go through such a transformation for the role.

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