
two cents on this game

two cents on this game

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  1. If you’re a fan of 40k or Gothic scifi you’ll absolutely love it, it’s very gruesome though.

    You don’t get to play as a female unfortunately due to the “lore” meaning no female space marines, but at the same time we have female Custodes (basically SUPER elite supersoldiers) who are even stronger than space marines now, you can’t *play* Custodes but just know the setting as a whole, despite how grim and intensely fascist it often is (as a parody), is very supportive and open. One of the early characters you meet is a take no shit older female commander.

    Gameplay wise; It’s a great third person shooter with a campaign, PvP AND co op with a lot of replayability. It’s pretty hectic in terms of enemy count and the melee is surprisingly in depth for a game with only 1 melee button. The guns feel good, the movement is nice and chunky and it feels exactly how you would expect a game where you play someone twice the size and 20 times the weight of a human to feel. Co op holds a split of 6 classes that all have different weapons and they plan to release a lot more content too.

    I will point out some other elements that could dissuade you, however. The game is partially made by Russians. I’m not sure on their stance on the war in Ukraine or anything involving that but just be aware. Finally, the head of the dev team (or maybe someone else as it’s unclear) commented on a video by Asmongold basically saying they’re trying to make the game like they used to be and focus more on fun. This is a nice thought but he also dropped in something about new games ‘imposing moral standards’. Ignoring the fact that this is weird for someone so intimately involved in the creation of a game to say for a game based in a setting that critiques religion, fascism, superstition and painting all people of one creed with the same brush, him commenting this toward Asmongold is a bit worrying because.. Asmongold.

    Anyways, the game is great fun though! Just be aware of the drawbacks and make your own decision for it. If I’d known about both the Russia and Asmon thing I’m not too sure I’d have preordered the game, I’m just a sucker for 40k.

  2. Good. There’s nothing amazingly groundbreaking, but it does what it does well.

    The story is a bunch of tough, brooding men doing tough, brooding man things: tearing alien hordes limb from limb and struggling to make meaningful connections with allies (brooding is a lot of work) in a world of grim dark despair and paranoia. The narrative doesn’t really explain the setting much, and refers to things going on off-screen as if you know what’s what about aliens and space marine chapters and geneseed operations. Knowing or being interested in the setting helps as you might need to look things up to get perspective and care about stuff. I consider myself a Warhammer casual, but I found myself looking things up.

    The gameplay is the strong point. The pacing is decent, the difficulty can be adjusted, but even if you play on hard, checkpoints are frequent so death isn’t too frustrating. The campaign is coop, which I highly recommend. There’s side missions called operations that function in more of a Darktide-esque progression, also multiplayer, and if you like it I also highly recommend Darktide.

    Sound and cinematic are great. You feel like a giant hulking space marine. You hit like a truck and it sounds and looks like it. The weapons are destructive, and there’s enough chaff and moderately difficult enemies to make you feel like a badass until inevitably some bigger badass comes along. Vistas are designed to make you feel the size of the horde you fight and you tower over your Imperial Guard ‘normie human’ allies.

    It kinda feels like Dead Space and Darksouls had a baby and uncle Doom visits on occasion, and we all wound up in the WH40K universe for a merry jaunt.

  3. Personally I’m loving it so far but I already loved Warhammer in general as well as the first game, so I’m biased. Gameplay wise it’s really fun, the campaign so far has felt really good to play and the multiplayer is a blast. Story wise it seems pretty good for a Warhammer game; I’m very much feeling invested in Titus’ story and his relationships with the other characters. Not the most mind blowing writing in the world but I don’t think anyone goes to Warhammer for that in the first place.

    If you like Warhammer go for it. If you don’t then it doesn’t really do anything differently that will make you like it, and if you have no clue about whether you like it or not I would just watch some gameplay. It’s very much the kind of game where you can tell if you’ll like it based on a bit of gameplay footage.

    TL;DR big stompy man with big guns sound fun? probably a good buy. but its still warhammer at its core.

  4. I’ve heard it’s fun and my friend who was REALLY into Helldivers has been loving it.

    I personally will not be purchasing it due to the lack of female character options BUT that’s a specific hang up that’s unique to me. Everyone whose played it that I’ve spoken with loves it.

  5. I’ve been loving it. It’s made me realize how much destiny 2 spoiled me with infinite ammo primary weapons. It felt really good when I figured out how the timing for parries worked and started getting those super cinematic kills on tyranids. I wish the customization for chaos space marines was better than just slapping different legions colors onto a class that’s covered in specific iconography that clashes with other legions color schemes.

  6. I have a hard time immersing myself into a game that either doesn’t have a female character or a story that I do not know about. even when people say that you can just pick this up and play without prior storyline knowledge.

    But i have heard good things, just not one for me i guess.

  7. I wouldn’t recommend it tbh and I only keep playing now because of friends.

    -excellent visuals
    -has campaign, pve and pvp
    -crossplay: pc ps4 xbox
    -story is cool but short …but for that amount of money?

    -melee is underwhelming. They need to rebalance this. Guns do so much more damage than melee that it doesn’t warrant the risk a player would take to melee hordes of enemies. Sucks to the melee only classes (ie bulwark and assault).

    -melee is clunky. I’m referring to their ‘parry’ system which aims in the direction of your camera. But your attack aims in the direction of your keyboard controls. This sounds like no biggie but this makes for clunky and janky melee movements…

    -there are 3 ranged weapons currently that everyone is using because it’s sooo good (ie melta, las fusil, and grenade launcher). Devs need to rebalance this. Basically you regain health from doing lots of dmg at a certain time (ie ‘contested health’). Those 3 weapons are the only ones that gain a lot of health back because they do so much dmg.

    -pve: the community only plays 2-3 maps out of 6 total maps because the chaos warriors are sooo difficult and annoying to play against.

    -the increase in difficulty needs reworking too. the enemies become just bullet sponges on the highest difficulty…they don’t increase the number of horde…this is a horde game ffs!

    Tldr: get the game later if and after the devs make some tweaks.

  8. The game itself is amazing. The community can be good, but, well, it’s the 40k community. So it comes with the dodging neonazis and sexism as always. Just know what parts of the community are good and you’ll love it.

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The one thing I struggled to enjoy in Baldur’s Gate 3 was the combat, as I never liked games that rely so much on luck. My first playthrough wasn’t even enjoyable because of that. So please allow me a little bragging because I just managed to beat its infamous Honour Mode in. The first. Attempt 😎