
Was there a moment in a game that was unexpectedly terrifying or scary?

For me it was having to hide from this thing in Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty. 😖

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  1. When I summoned the Warden in Minecraft for the first time.

    I didn’t understand Skulk mechanics at that time, I froze and I was panicking a lot.

    I slowly walked away and luckily I got away. Blocked off that cave and actually never went back to it even today.

    Edit: Fixing autocorrects

  2. Dunwich Borers in Fallout 4 is scaaaary af! I hate having to go in there. Also Museum of Witchcraft.

    I’ve just played Days Gone which was fun but the hordes scared the hell out of me at first. Once you get the hang of it it’s actually really fun but in the beginning I always ran as fast as I could.

    Anyone play the Lehiathan DLC in Mass Effect? Having to go underwater in that thing and then meeting THAT? That part really freaked me out. I’m not a fan of anything underwater, anyways, and that one is particularly scary.

  3. First terrifying time, maybe Oda lunging at me. You could tell there was a boss fight coming, just from how the area looked, but it still got me.

    Scary time, the fight with the Chimera and the fights leading up to it. What a difficulty spike.

    Unexpectedly weird (I was debating in my head if these were scary), either the Johnny or Stout sex scene. Johnny because I’m gay and first person hetero sexero wasn’t on my bingo cardero. Stout too, because I apparently can’t read the room, even if said room has an above average amount of sex toys in it.

    Edit: whoops sorry, from the thumbnail appearing in my feed, I assumed this was the Cyberpunk or Low Sodium Cyberpunk subreddit

  4. This is so old by now I guess, but when you first meet the Balvorines in Fable 2. Also the scene with the hobgoblins (?) who ate the little kid and another scene where you’re in the ghost town of Oakvale trying to reach Reaver in Bloodstone (I think it’s called). TRAUMATIZING

  5. The ending of Outer Wilds is terrifying, it sets you up with certain expectations all game and then pulls the rug away from you right at the end to make your heart stop. Also the DLC is literally a horror game lol 🤭

  6. Back when I first played Half Life, those levels right after Resonance Cascade were genuinly terrifying for me. Base falling apart, dead bodies everywhere and aliens ambushing you at every step of your way.

  7. Gone Home.I kept on expecting for that game to turn into a horror game. Clive Barker’s Undying… and Bloodlines Hotel… Nothing else has ever scared me… Including the vast majority of horror movies… But those three things actually scared me

  8. That baby from resident evil village. I had to ask my partner to finish it for me as I would just get very creeped out.

    Also, banshees in mass effect games. Just no, they are terrifying, especially if you come too close, which is not hard if you are playing as Vanguard, which has a close combat attack…..

  9. Everything about Tunic is bright and cheery, adorable fox on a big adventure! And then you hit the >!Rooted Ziggurat!< and >!everything gets turned on its head. The horrific revelation of what is inside the obelisks you’ve been praying to, immediately followed by the massive SEA of THOUSANDS OF THE THINGS, is deeply unsettling.!<

  10. Scary games don’t really scare or terrorize me much other than a jump scare.

    One of the most terrifying things for me was in RDR2: >!Arthur being diagnosed with TB and me realizing no matter what I did, this story was going to end with Arthur dying. Just like we will all end up dying one day, whether we are ready or not.!<

    Existential dread is the most terrifying type of scariness to me.

  11. OK, so hear me out. I know Resident Evil games are supposed to be scary. But in general Resident Evil Village felt more like an action game to me. Lots of shooty shooty bang bang with some monsters thrown in. It didn’t really scare me at all.

    Until I got to >!House Beneviento!<. Man, I never pooped my pants so hard in my life. I remember feeling my heart bouncing in my chest. It was so well done.

  12. Yall might make fun of me but I’m terrified of the tars from Slime Rancher. When I watched Jackseptieye play they didn’t seem scary at all, but when I played the game myself, they scared the crap out of me! They give me so much anxiety bc of how quickly they multiply.

  13. There is a Warframe antagonist called “The Man in the Wall” or “Wally” by the community. Wally will appear randomly in your ship as a doppelganger of your character and say “Hey Kiddo.”

    It’s the single reason I play warframe with the volume down, because it always gets me.

  14. I was playing “Through the Woods” a few years back, and I remember it being a distinctly “meh” horror game (and game in general) overall, but one part I do remember is stepping into a collapsing cabin by a lake shore, and being able to see a couple of small rocks/ islands sticking out of the water in the dark. There was an optional collectible sitting on a pier, and I pick it up and read it – it’s about a monster that hides in a lake pretending to be an island, and as I put it down I hear splashing and see one of the “rocks” suddenly come shooting under the pier. My character legged it away from that cabin, while I yelled “Fuck that for a laugh” and continued on to the rather disappointing remainder of the game.

    For a non-horror game, there was Gone Home. For anyone who has come across it before, you’re probably aware that it has definite creepy vibes early on as you explore an old, empty house with the lights off – however, as you explore more of the house and turn the lights on, it becomes less creepy and more about the personal drama inside your family. THEN, when you’re well into the exploration and have your guard down, you wander down a hidden staircase, find a creepy cross, and the power abruptly goes out for a random jump scare.

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I am so tired of summer – suggest me some games with snowy landscapes!