
Which game is the fastest to complete?

Iā€™m dog/ house sitting for my sibling and their SO has these games I havenā€™t played yet. I have only two days to play.

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  1. Not familiar with Ghost of Tushima, but have played the other three, and Bioshock is easily the quickest to complete. Witcher 3 took me about 70 hours if I don’t count the other 50 I spent playing Gwent haha. Horizon I’m still playing at about 60 hours. Bioshock took me maybe 20-25 as it is a quick run through (but very, very good).

  2. Bioshock infinite. The Bioshock games are pretty straightforward and not open world. Each onetakes roughly 25-30 hours I think.

    Witcher 3 is one of the longest games Iā€™ve ever played my goodness, but has a great story. 100 hours or more for sure

    Ghost of Tsushima is very good – stunning visuals and good story, but probably 60-80 hours. If you have time someday, totally recommend playing through it!

  3. Bioshock Infinite but tbh itā€™s not very good and your time would be better spent playing any of the others. I would personally use the time to sorta ā€œdemoā€ them all and then make a purchase later if you like one enough or ask to borrow it. Also for future reference itā€™s faster and more accurate to check howlongtobeat

  4. Horizon: Zero Dawn WR RTA is [2hĀ 09mĀ 25s](

    Bioshock Infinite’s real-time World Record is [1hĀ 39mĀ 15s](

    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is [2hĀ 33mĀ 15s](

    And no one runs new-game Ghost of Tsushima, but new game plus’s world record is a whopping [2hĀ 53mĀ 56s](

    I hope this doesn’t answer your question. Lol. Have fun this weekend!

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Starting a witchy/magical Stardew run after messing with mods for hours!

Been dying to show the girlies my new setup stuff !!