
Love and Deep Space tops above the popular Hoyoverse gacha games for monthly revenue

Love and Deep Space tops above the popular Hoyoverse gacha games for monthly revenue

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  1. To me, this actually seems like the gaming business model and it’s failings boiled down. Maybe entertainment industry model problems actually. Supposed safe bets aren’t as safe anymore this is actually super similar to live service hero shooters.

    Like, ok. You’ve got one game that appeals to a demographic, a large one even. Makes a lot of money. Be it your fortnites and overwatches or your genshins and honkais. Within those spaces, they appeal to the same demographic. But more companies see this and try to take a cut, and the market gets oversaturated. It’s actually the same thing that’s happening to movies, being all superhero blockbusters for a while and those starting to fail on a larger scale.

    So now you have the same demographic but cut six ways from Sunday, you’ve overestimated either the number in that niche or their spending power. Meanwhile, you have a game like Deepspace that’s fairly singular, it appeals to it’s demographic and it’s about the only one filling that particular niche, so naturally it does better.

    To me this scream of companies overestimating the size of one market, men, and their ability or willingness to spend on certain games, while underestimating the market for women, which has been steadily growing as it becomes more mainstream and less stigmatized for women to play (thank God, what would I do all day if not for videogames lol). Id argue that the entire gaming industry, it’s player base anyways, is a lot more even gender-wise than were led to believe, which makes sense. It’s just less games are made targeting women so we funnel a bit more into those categories, at least for now. Businesses are slow to change, tho ultimately when the bottom line is on the chopping block they’ll change their tune. That’s just how things go.

    I wouldn’t be shocked if companies held on to gotcha waifu games for a while longer, businesses wanna try to invest safe even in creative mediums where safe is usually a death knell, and then pivot to other markets after a certain point, probably when losses really start racking up. And they will. It’s a business life cycle.

    Like clockwork. It’s interesting to see the video game industry speedrunning the movie industry issues in real time tho.

  2. A certain gacha gaming sub is having a meltdown making hundreds of excuses right now, lmao 😭

    I have heard hundreds of things about how men don’t sell well and now gacha gamer bros are scrambling to try and making excuses why their fav fanservicey gachas aren’t doing too hot and an otome gacha is doing so well. HSR/Genshin is having a men drought and ZZZ barely has any male characters.

  3. To have women games thriving on the gacha sphere is amazing, as we’ve been old countless times that “Husbandos never sell, because selling to women never works”. It’s specially touching coming from Paper, a company that has been making gacha games towards women for a decade.

    And yes, I know a lot of people here dislike Gachas because they’re predatory, and would rather spend $30 on a game for their PCs…but the thing is, as someone from a country where $30 is a LOT, where most people are too busy working
    away from home and can’t just easily afford a high end PC, these phone gacha games feel like a comfort of this last decade. I never had any phone game for my free time that could make me feel accepted, not when 90% are all dedicated entirely towards men. If you were a woman on a gacha game, you were expected to just accept you would never feel seen or your wants…Nikki was the only gacha franchise where many girlies felt like they could just be the obvious majority, feel seen and form these communities and friendships that were very unique to us, special.

    Having said this, I’m slightly…scared? If Infinity Nikki reaches a lot of success upon release, because Paper (the same company as LaDS) has made it a franchise for mostly women, a safe space where girls could just have fun and not feel dismissed for being girly…and I KNOW if it reaches global success, men are going to try and push women away from the franchise and try to make Nikki into a “waifu”, because many male players have felt threatened towards women gacha players and dismissive of our existence. Which is probably just a dumb concern of mine…but god, although is not a majority, many gacha male players have been very hostile lately, and they turned even worse lately as the realization is sinking that women ARE willing to play gacha and spend money, and they (men) are not the only successful option for products now.

  4. Wait, a game that caters to adult women and has sexy men and 0 waifus is in the top 3? Clearly, this must be a mistake.🤔

    Jokes aside, hopefully this leads to more games like LaDS, and not just of the gacha mobile kind.

  5. I really hope Natlan releases more male chars after seeing this trend because the teaser for their chars was extremely disappointing. It’s been getting worse over the years with each new region. I’m concerned, but not THAT concerned because maintenance costs for Genshin is EXPENSIVE. If your female AND some male audience leaves because the game’s gone the gooner route, the revenue will tank and that’s when you can’t afford to upkeep high production costs anymore. I have all but kinda stopped playing ZZZ what with their constant waifus; look, I don’t hate waifus and I like a mixed cast in my games, but having only limited waifus back to back to back is tiring because it makes the world feel less diverse.

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i know this is a joke but like, come on man 😣