
Maybe stop treating female characters as an afterthought

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  1. I’m a massive persona series fan, but the series absolutely has a problem with misogyny much bigger than excluding an MC.

    But there is an upside to excluding FeMC, and it’s that we didn’t have to see Atlus decide if the dialog options for grooming Ken would stay in šŸ¤¢

  2. I really can’t articulate just how much faith I lost in ATLUS as a label with the P3R debacle.

    Granted I was already pretty huffy about Persona games, for all the usual reasons (the playerbase is toxic, you can’t be a woman, you can’t be gay, but you can date your teacher and go behind the backs of every woman you know and form a harem; to barely scratch the surface of reasons). But I still **wanted** to like them, I still had faith that the right feedback carefully heeded could result in a Persona game I could love unconditionally.

    P3R dropped and it’s like a spell was broken.

    I no longer have this pain in my heart from *wanting* to love a series of games that hated me in return.

  3. I love being able to just skip out on this remake because it holds zero interest for me without femc, but at the same time I hate that it doesnā€™t matter to them. Theyā€™ll āœØapologizeāœØ when asked for the 100th time in an interview, but at the end of the day they donā€™t care because the game was still successful.

    Whatever, I just really wish someone else would make a super polished AAA turn-based RPG dungeon crawler with a PokĆ©mon-ish battle system (gotta catch ā€˜em all) with life sim elements and a huge cast of characters that wasnā€™t consistently this awful about women.

    Theyā€™re just always gonna be like this.

  4. Atlus hasn’t cared about their female audience for years now. Not just in persona, but shin megami tensei as a whole and their other new IP that is coming out and only has a male avatar.

    You make games with mute protagonists that are meant to be self-inserts. What is the huge additional cost out of adding a female avatar too? Fire Emblem has been doing this for forever now.

    The Caligula Effect is a jrpg that launched having only a mute male avatar, but added a female avatar when it was rereleased, then went ahead and had a female avatar again for the second game. Clearly the addition was worth it.

    It doesn’t make much sense in terms of profits, either. Female avatars tend to sell more merch and be more popular than the male ones, especially when done well. (In Granblue whenever they announce character merch, the female avatar always sells out, alongside the popular male characters girls like, but the male avatar ends up being the only character that doesn’t run out of stock bc no one cares.)

    And then there are other jrpg/jrpg-inspired games like Symphony of War or Sword of Convallaria that are lower budget, and it hasn’t stopped them from considering the ”huge additional cost” of having you play as a female character as an option.

    There is no reasonable excuse for this.

  5. Iā€™m at the point where if the game doesnā€™t include a FEMC option, then I donā€™t buy them. If itā€™s not a game set in a time period where it makes sense to have a male only role like Yakuza/Mafia etc then I donā€™t see why they canā€™t add FEMCā€™s in 2024. Also, P3R is a remake of a ā€˜remakeā€™ of a ā€˜remakeā€™ of a ā€˜remakeā€™. Why make a fourth version of the same game that isnā€™t definitive. P3R doesnā€™t add any substance. I could play P3P for the plot, party control & as a FEMC. In this economy, Iā€™m being wise with my money. Also, Atlus never finds adding female protagonist worth it as this isnā€™t the 1st time theyā€™ve said. P4 & P5 had female protagonist concept arts that clearly didnā€™t find worth it. If my gender isnā€™t worth adding, then their games arenā€™t worth paying for.

  6. once you play P3P and realise how much care was put into the writing of the FemPC, actually making her a real character and not just a blank slate, it really is almost impossible to come back from. P4 is bearable, mostly, but P5? good god, what a nothing burger of a main character!

    edit: this makes me even more sad about how maligned Soul Hackers 2 is. Ringo is a JOY of a main character. the writing and voice acting made me laugh multiple times.

    edit 2: anybody else remember when aBusisoft said that a female player character in Assassin’s Creed would be too expensive to draw and animate? yeaaaaaaaaaaah. (that was in 2014 btw)

  7. The idea of exploring myths, culture and folklore from all over the world is so fantastic. So is the roleplaying part of playing day by day, making choices, building relationships and the battle system. But of course things can’t be perfect and they had to choose to be the worst to a big part of the audience that, otherwise, could be huge fans. They come with apologies, but they don’t give a shit.

  8. When leakers said theres no traces of FeMC during the development I just knew its never going to happen. Theres so much work to be done with her that if she wasn’t planned to be added right from the start, theres zero chance of her being in a DLC. I just hope Atlus will consider making dual protagonists with minimal changes to the story for future games since they’re clearly not interested in putting in more effort to do 2 unique protagonists, though I don’t see that happening anytime soon. I love JRPGs but its really suck to see female protagonists being treated as an afterthought all the time in this genre. šŸ™

  9. P3P is one of my favourite games, surely one of my favourite jrpg ever, but this have assured that I’m not going to buy any Atlus game in the future. A customer is lost, it may be seen as petty or as nothing for these devs, but I vote with my wallet. Is not just one single game sold that they loose, but future releases too. But since Kotone is too work and resource for them, their games are too many money for me to buy.

  10. Persona 3 was announced when I had just sold my PSP, so I was already miffed. When I heard they made a remake, I was hyped. Always liked the concept and its apparent connection to the Shin Megami Tensei series (maybe I misremember that bit) and was so incredibly disappointed they take out the one thing people were actively hyped for it… At least in my circles. I also found it very weird, one of the most expensive and time intensive design aspects would be writing the character, but that was already all there. Sure, design and integration cost too, but they already had half the work laying in front of them, so it just seemed… Lazy kind of. And well, sexist.

  11. I’m still relatively new to the Persona games, and I was waiting for what most of people were waiting for, but learning this heartbreaking news, I’ll use that money to support companies/indie developers who don’t treat women as second class citizens.

  12. I don’t think they are? Like I love femc and im super dissapointed she wasn’t inculded but she is more than just a pallet swap of the male protaginist, the amount of stuff they would have to do would proboly be pretty pricy sadly

  13. I’m in the minority but I honestly dont care that much. This is a remake of a remake game and that’s why I plan to buy it only when it’s on heavy discount.

    What I dont get is all the people talking about misogyny. Is this solely because p4 & p5 didn’t have female options either? I like the ability to play as a woman but I’m also not going to not buy a game if that option isn’t there.

    Also people seem to forget that the p3p female path had some pretty ‘interesting choices’ as well. You could date Ken and Pharos the creepy kid also developed a crush on you. Maiko’s father seemed to be interested as well, much like your teacher who was interested in you in the male path.

    You didn’t get punished for pursuing a ‘male harem’ either. Plus you could heavily pester Shinjiro into taking you up to his room kind of stepping past his first no as well as convince Theodore to take off his gloves and take it to the next level.

    How do these things weigh up against the male path and it’s weird choices? I honestly just dont consider something to be a true original women story if the only thing you did is tell the same tale as thr male side, but just swapped the genders.

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