
Games similar to Imagine Town?

Hey everyone, one of my favorite games growing up was Imagine Town. Unfortunately it got closed down back around 2011 and I haven’t found a game like it since:(

Here’s the game trailer:

It was a virtual world where you could be a gardener, dancer, clothes designer, fashion model, or chef and complete quests/mini games related to your occupation. You could dress up and decorate your house, walk around town, and meet other players as well as NPCs. I really liked that you could chat with other people playing the game – you even had a phone in game where you could text people! You could also trade items with other players to get new clothes and creations. The art style for the characters and towns were really nice too.

Does anyone have recommendations for similar games? Unfortunately I’m not into fantasy games and prefer real life/simulation games. Not a fan of the Sims art style though haha. TIA!

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  1. I feel like there used to be games like this, but they all became dens for predators etc and were such nightmares to moderate that no one makes them anymore. That said…Grand Theft Auto Online, maybe?!

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I’m tired of redesigns of sexy women blamed on the “woke left.”

just sharing the game i’ve been so addicted with for a long time now