I have recently bought a beast! I love playing games with it and I need recommendations. I love fps but not too big on guns games unless there is a story. I want visually appealing story games, preferably with high graphics. Currently playing Baldurās gate and Borderlands 3. Canāt wait for recommendations!
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Try the Horizon games- gorgeous environments, cool story and Aloy is an awesome character
Third person shooters that with story would be Uncharted & The Last of Us.
Mass Effect Trilogy!
Also highly recommend dragon age series, especially since the newest game is coming out next month
Horizon Zero Dawn + Horizon Forbidden West, The Last of Us 1 + 2, Alien: Isolation and, tho it is not exactly what you described but in my humble opinion a masterpiece that eveyone should have played: Subnautica
Not me playing stardew valley and 10+ year old MMOs on my beefy Alienware PC
Check out the wolfenstein, and doom series. Also dishonored is fps perspective but it’s far more of a stealthy affair.
Hellblade: Senua
All three Bioshocks are beautiful and have really, really good stories. Bioshock Infinite is prettier for sure. But, the first two have such interesting and gorgeous art deco designs. They are linear and just really stunning. They are also older but the first one was remastered and the third one dies need a remaster.
The first two are older and don’t have the best graphics, but there’s the Dragon Age series. Also Monster Hunter: World has very pretty environments.
And I know you said you’re not big on guns, but Red Dead Redemption 2 has an incredible story and the most gorgeous graphics. Like seriously, it’s not even a new game but it has some of the most realistic lighting I’ve seen.
Ok so the graphics are a bit dated but there was a recent remaster: the Mass Effect Trilogy
Gorgeous scenery, diverse cast that also look gorgeous up close, and Shepard is one of my favorite characters ever.
You and I have similar taste! I highly recommend the Assassins Creed franchise, esp Origins and Odyssey, Cyberpunk, Fallout 4, Outer Worlds (a delight), Stray, and Uncharted 4. Happy playing!!
New Dragon Age coming out in November āŗļø DA:I can still be pretty graphics wise for the meanwhile
Youll love divinity original sin 2 if you like bg3, its better imo
This good old skyrim, still beautiful years after and can look as good, if not better, than current AAA games with mods, there are so many talented modders !
Uncharted 4 and Tomb Raider trilogy if you like shooting, climbing, solving puzzle and explore (not open world tho)
dark souls!!! and other souls games!!!
Highly suggest Elder scrolls online or Skyrim! Gives great fighting with magic or swords or bows while you can follow whatever storylines peak your interest. Ive done all the thieves guild and dark brotherhood quests (assassins) its super fun and on the online you can play with friends or make friends!
Witcher 3 is visually pleasing while also being a killer story, it hasĀ a male protagonist but I see it as playing “his” story and geralt is a pretty cool guy (guy? Mutant?)Ā
Or you could go for ghost of tsushima which has a great storyĀ
Monster hunter world is a bit older, but damn it holds up visually. Gorgeous environments, excellent melee or third person action-shooter combat. Also phenomenonal value, even at full price (if it grabs you). I’m 1000+ hours into the base + DLC and probably not close to done with it. Each of the 14 playable weapons is distinct and developed enough that Monster Hunter is almost like 11 full (a) and 3 half (b) games. Plus Monster Hunter Wilds comes out in about a year, and should be even better.
(a) (Great sword, Long sword, hammer, hunting horn, dual blades, switch axe, sword and shield, insect glaive, lance, bow, heavy bow gun)
(b) (Charge blade is SnS x SwAx, light bowgun is kinda bow x HBG, gunlance is sort of lance x GS.)
Ever tried Vermintide 1/2? š
Dishonored, Corvo is awesome, the story is really compeling, the setting is unique and you can beat it in different ways
If you give the first one a shot (the graphics are a bit dated, but have a certain charm to them, much like Bioshock) then the second game has way better views c;
Cyberpunk 2077. Itās kind of a gun game, but it has an awesome story. Thereās also knives, swords, hacking, and things other than guns to use. Also has a female playable character with one of the best voice performances out there imo. Assassinās Creed, the newer games (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla) are good but I highly recommend the Ezio trilogy too. Also agree with the Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West recs.
Cyberpunk 2077 and the dlc for sure, have done multiple playthroughs.
Final fantasy 15 and the 7 remakes.
GL HF on your gaming journey!!!