
[7 Days to Die] Haha, because rape jokes are funny!

The company's game design regarding female characters in the game (NPC/zombies mostly, but PC as well) is atrocious and includes copious amounts of boob jiggling (that got added during development), and it fosters a …. special… kind of community..

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  1. I swear they want to have sex with everything. I’d say everything that moves but I don’t think some of them even need that.

    I was on the Elden Ring sub a while back (avoiding it atm because I haven’t gotten to the dlc yet) and there was a post on there with Enia’s picture and some of them were on there making horny comments about her. (If I knew how to link a pic of her I would but if you don’t know you can Google the name. All the finger readers basically look almost mummified. She exists to be mildly off putting lol)

    It’s pathetic and it’s a massive turn off when guys act like that. Almost everyone gets horny sometimes lol but ffs rub one out and get over yourself, at a certain point it’s just a mental fixation and that’s 100% on their low minded asses, then they wonder why women want nothing to do with them.

  2. I once made a post looking for LGBTQ friendly servers. That’s literally all the post was about. Nothing sexual.

    Immediately homophobes came in trying to start shit. Saying,

    > “nobody wants to hear it if you are gay or straight they just tryna hear shit related to the fucking game they are playing, likely to escape reality a little bit. And here come people like you bringing sexuality into it when people are just trying to enjoy a fucking game and ignore reality for a little while.”

    There were many other comments. Some got deleted after reporting. But largely the sentiment was, “why would being ‘gay’ come up on a gaming server unless you’re making it sexual. It’s just a game so talk about the game.”

    The stupidest part was, I’m *trans.* I wasn’t asking for a server to sex chat in. I was looking for a server where if I mentioned “my pronouns are She/Her; I’m a woman” people wouldn’t give me a hard time about my voice.

    Instead they assumed I was gonna bring up sexual commentary in game. But back then, and to this day, gross horny straight men have made comments about how they want to fuck stripper zombies and the “jiggle physics”.

    Straight dudes make gaming sexual ALL THE TIME. And they think I’m the perv for wanting a safe server to be myself on. 🙃

  3. These kinda guys are so boring,all they do is regurgitate the same jokes and behavior until the end of time, completely devoid of any actual personality. It’s never been the type of community I want to be a part of ,and yet when we make our own communities somehow it always offends them and they come bother us lol

  4. I guess I never thought about it cuz the only zombie I’ve ever seen people attracted to is Rottytops, but yeah I suppose zombies can’t consent. It’d sort of be like having sex with an animal except even more horrifying.

    Welp that’s enough weird philosophy for the day I think I’ll go and try and forget this.

  5. I’m an AMAB and I feel disgusted. I wanna atleast apologize from my side on behalf of all the AMABs. Personally, I can’t handle talking or any mention of rape, I feel very awful. I’m gender-fluid and often lean towards femme which is why I wanted to instead be a part of THIS community which I feel more like home. But I’m sorry regardless.

  6. This is why I would fight for my life in any apocalypse scenario lmao ik it wouldn’t happen but ik if it did and my body was left dead out in the open .,. I’d put bets on ab 50% of men trying it , many more considering it, and most thinking about it

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