
Evrytime I play without a full party of friends

And then the community will convince you that if you love the game so much then you should turn of your mic, your voip and your text chat just so you can keep playing 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 and have "fun"

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  1. Yeah no. I’m happy when people enjoy things but this is yet another reminder to be glad I left competitive multiplayer stuff behind. I simply can’t see the worth of dealing with this perfect combination of toxic companies, toxic communities and toxic monetization tactics.

  2. Happy to see people playing the finals outside the finals sub, for a while I thought I was actually watching a post in that sub. Sad, however, that it’s such a crappy moment in an otherwise fun and unique game :/

    I usually play multiplayer games without mic because of stuff like this. Gaming communities have some of the shittiest people I have ever encountered, so I prefer to not engage and stress myself with them and try to just play with friends or just play for fun and ignore/mute everybody else. Every online game I’ve played has been the same experience to the point I’m just fed up and try to live in my own little world to avoid people like that. Sometimes I’ll see my friends having fun in voice chat and have this urge to join them, but then I remember my past experiences with it and just… that sad feeling hits me, like I’m forced to miss out on the fun because otherwise crappy people will go out of their way to ruin my day

    I wish there was a solution to this, but there’s just too many shitty people, and the people who aren’t directly shitty themselves defend the ones who are. I hope one day society or gaming companies in general can improve on this aspect. Best we can do for now is record/report people like that directly to the devs and hope they ban them. Another online game I play is REALLY good at dealing with toxic players, almost any time somebody is toxic and I report them I get a notification that they were banned. Hope The Finals will be that way too.

  3. Honestly as a guy this behavior baffles me beyond reason. I can’t comprehend this level of unnecessary degeneracy or why people talk like that. I play overwatch with a friend who’s a woman and she’s told me about how prevalent this stuff is on alot of games and I still can’t wrap my head around it. Like why is this a behavior that people find acceptable or normal… And why is it so frequent / popular?

    I’m sorry you have to deal with such crap honestly. These people are just not right in the head. I’d say just mute them but that’s besides the point. This shouldn’t even be a thing, I don’t think my brain will ever understand that level of degeneracy.

    (Also, what game is that? Is it the finals?… Looks familiar but I’ve never played it so I’m not sure)

  4. Believe it or not, despite everything they say, these men and boys prefer women voices on the comms. If you leave the game it hurts them and the game.

    Male guild leaders, if you’re reading this, and you find your self in men only guilds, it’s because you’re in a Guild full of closeted gays who purposely scared all the women away. And now youre forever stuck in life style of nightly sausauge parties. This is your life now.

    Openly gay men would never do this. Its closeted gays acting out self hate. Guys stop being creepy just to make a 12 year old boy laugh or to try to control your feelings of women hating. A life style of nightly sausauge parties for life isn’t the life youre looking for, unless it is.

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