
Finally happened to me:,)

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Someone messaged about a different post I have on gamer pals about jrpgs, and I said that the story was key for me. Well that was blasphemy to them I guess. Keep in mind I mentioned on that post I don’t have a lot of friends, I also think I mentioned I’m socially anxious. Was I wrong here?

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  1. I have played many Jrpgs and Bravely Default’s narrative and characters were a complete turn-off for me.

    The irony here is that my favorite Final Fantasy is FF5. And, I really love the job system in its gameplay. The story isn’t great, but I enjoy characters and dialogue.

    But that moment in Bravely Default, when the guys started talking about the girls in a sexual matter, that was the straw that broke camel’s back.

  2. You are not in the wrong here. If you enjoy games with a cohesive and compelling storyline, that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re just expressing your opinion and how you like to play games. You playing certain games has no affect on how they play games. I think they just felt attacked when you expressed that the storyline in Bravely Default just wasn’t engaging for you. Some games don’t click with everyone, and that’s fine. This person seems to take everything personally and lashed out at you instead of just being fine with people having different opinions. I would just block someone like that and move on. If a person can’t deal with different opinions or experiences and lashes out at people, that’s the kind of person I wouldn’t want to be around.

  3. I’m of a similar mind – if a game doesn’t have a narrative I feel like I’m wasting my time and if that narrative isn’t good I’m probably going to DNF the game. I can put up with bad gameplay for the sake of a good or at least decent story, but no amount of great gameplay is going to keep me around for a bad story.

    But I accept that there are gamers out there who feel the opposite. For them, the point of games is gameplay, not a medium to tell stories. And that’s fine! There’s stuff for both camps out there and neither of us are affected by the other’s preferences.

    Sadly, there are people like the idiot on display here who simply can’t accept that people want different things out of games, and if you like something different than them it’s somehow wrong. They’re so offended by different tastes that they’ll go on the attack. It’s extremely childish and I pity their narrow minded viewpoint and inability to accept that differences are not scary and opinions are not facts.

  4. I mean, that guy’s opinion about Bravely Default being character focus is, at the end of the day, just an opinion. Bravely 1’s story actually has a few good parts to it. I liked the Florem story arc. Characters are fundamentally part of the narrative, they create and elevate the story. A story can’t exist without characters, and characters require some kind of narrative for the game to be interesting.

    Anyway, sorry that he was a jerk. I like the Bravely series (yes, even 2) for more than just the combat. The one I wasn’t in love with is actually Second, but that’s just me~

  5. I played the game bravely default when it came out and beat the entire game, way to go me right? Well my point is I remember the stories of games and their plots or characters as long as they are memorable. I don’t even remember what the game was about and the only name that stuck was ringabell because its a unique name and He was ok. Its not that its bad because I remember that I beat it, but I think I only played it for about a week, and I don’t even remember the main characters name.

  6. As a writer his opinion is blasphemy to me.
    A role playing or story driven game without a compelling story is just like any other non story game like u said.
    Honestly I believe people who don’t care about the story at all are dumb like ur missing more than half the developers work, half the game experience just cus u don’t wanna read? Literally wasting part of a game.

  7. Being picky and having preferences, even extremely specific ones, is NOT a crime. It doesn’t mean you’re even saying a game is bad, it’s just not for you! People need to get a grip. There are lots of games that aren’t for me, and there are a ton of games I adore that I know many people don’t. It’s just called having different tastes.

    That being said, some games really do need a good story driving them, because that’s how they’re designed, and sometimes the story isn’t good, and sometimes even if a story is good (or even just good enough), it just doesn’t grab YOU, and that’s ok too. Not every story ever told is going to hook every single person. I’m super picky about my games, both in terms of gameplay and story. When I’m looking for something in a genre, I am looking for something very specific with the right components that I enjoy. It is not an insult to a game if I couldn’t get into it, it’s just, well. Me. And my tastes. And boy am I tired of hearing phrases like “get some taste” when I don’t happen to like a game!

  8. Bro is onto literally nothing.

    I really like BD and its derivatives for the combat, music, and esthetic (particularly I love the 2DHD in Octopath and by extension Triangle Strategy).

    The story is not its strong suit, at least in BD1 and BS. The big twists are kind of novel the first time around and when I was in middle school yeah they were really cool! But as an adult I probably wouldn’t be wowed as much and the characters would be carried heavily by nostalgia. I’m not particularly opposed to hot anime girls (or guys, bikini armor for everyone!) but I don’t think I can stomach Ringabel’s “let’s. get. SEXY!” anymore. These games are hard carried by being a take on turn based JRPGs that I really jive with.

    Meanwhile the story literally makes other games. No one is playing New Vegas for the gameplay anymore, and if the story doesn’t matter people would have been all over Titanfall 2 multiplayer with none of the praise for the campaign.

    Also what is he on about drawing such a hard line between narrative driven and character driven? Does he think these are mutually exclusive? In most cases they’re inseparable.

  9. You do have a taste. You like games that are focused on story, and that’s okay. I hope this person didn’t discourage you at all. Everyone is entitled to enjoy games how they want to, so long as it isn’t hurting anybody.

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