
Gotta love the overwatch community 🙄

I just find it gross how they go off topic to just sexualize the characters

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  1. So men usually blame them acting weird like this on the fact that hey she’s hot they are attracted to her. As a lesbian, pure bullshit. You need a very very small amount of self control to not act like a sex obsessed weirdo and so many guys fail to reach that level

  2. This isn’t even just the OW community, it’s nasty perverted men who sexualise literally anything. They’d fuck a shoe for having curves. It’s sadly inescapable on the internet…

  3. Used to be an avid overwatch player a few years ago, I had to quit because of how disgusting so many of the players were to me. I will say that CSGO was 10x worse, but overwatch is nowhere near good.

  4. The OW fandom… I won’t lie. I’ve found Mercy very attractive, but Dva is…. baby. She’s just way too young to do that to. It’s gross. There is a lot of overwatch *content* out there, which doesn’t help. It warps the impression of the baseline character into something else.

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