
How are mainstream games with loli characters a thing? Aren’t we generally anti-pedofilia? From the new HoYoverse game

How are mainstream games with loli characters a thing? Aren’t we generally anti-pedofilia? From the new HoYoverse game

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  1. Yeah, I hate this stuff. I like anime a lot, but the sheer brazenness of pedos in anime circles scares the crap out of me. Yuffie from FF7 is a good example. She’s a teenager. She’s a badass ninja, but she’s a kid. She acts like a kid, she thinks like a kid, and in-universe, the characters treat her like a kid. At one point in Remake Intermission there are some thugs in the neighborhood scouting for hot women for their boss (Don Corneo is a whole other issue for a whole other thread) and Yuffie is like, “hey, I’m gorgeous!” Or something to that effect and the thugs are like “lol you’re just a kid.” She has a little crush on the main character but it is not reciprocated because it is very obvious that he, and everyone else, sees her as a child.

    But the male online community sexualizes the hell out of her and even sometimes ships her with the oldest party member who is like… 45-50? Then they’ll make the age-old argument that she’s 16, that’s the age of consent in some places and therefore a-ok, etc. I need to find a mostly-female anime community because I love the games and the stories but I’m having trouble reconciling it with the creepy.

  2. > Aren’t we generally anti-pedofilia?

    I am sorry to be the one to break this to you but “we” (society) are not generally anti-pedo. I mean I am and, of course, you are. You and I are sane.

    But, like, I don’t know where you’re from, but in my country, pedophilia is legally okay so long as you **[put a ring on it](**. So… yea… pedophilia is mainstream because it’s still legal under certain circumstances in many countries which is super sad and gross and just the worst.

    I don’t consider myself a hateful person but I have so much hate for the way society treats girls and women.

  3. yeah its really fucking gross and not even trying to hide it. when that first character ults, she is in a face down ass up pose, while wiggling her ass. like a cat you know…. right.

    at least for genshin pedo bait there is the slightest benefit of the doubt (i say as a genshin player). not to mention the game has three maid characters and more to come.

  4. The first two here are definitely over the line to being weirdly sexual for a child character 100%, major ick.

    That said I don’t think this style essentially has to be sexual, Klee from Genshin for example is fine, she’s just a kid – they don’t make any attempt to sexualise her even in a subtle way. This on the other hand… 🙁

  5. Hoyoverse has done this with all their main gacha titles except like ToT. Look up rozaliya and lilylia or Theresa from HI3. These types of characters are unfortunately kind of the standard for gacha games.

    Think, why does genshin have no little boy characters? But multiple little girls? It’s because theyre trying to pander to lolicons to get money out of them, and they absolutely sell.

  6. Oh boy. Many of us who consume anime type media are already aware with the pervasive and normalization of underage and minor girls getting sexualized.

    I thought in a game girl gamer forum the discussion is not whether it exists, but more how do reconcile our feelings about it with being able to play the games we want. That is complicated and constantly evolving depending on our age and comfort level.

    What is NOT okay is the complete denial that it is a thing. To be debated and excused here makes me wonder how and if even possible to engage with such media, even if more subtle, because of how it normalizes it.

    Adults should be uncomfortable with any media that sexualizes minors *period* or at the least admit you are engaging with a taboo! And say you think that fictional underage characters being sexualized is okay and a “taboo kink” or whatever. It doesn’t mean it should be in mainstream or normalized. It can always be met with judgement, not sorry. Being met with judgement doesn’t make it illegal for you since not illegal being fictional, but liking underage little girls is not a protective class so they need to get over it 😂. 

    It needs to stopped being normalized! For example I occasionally read dark romances. They are usually seperated in kink or taboo categories, NOT general. I know it is not the norm, and testing boundaries. It is not, and should not be in general romance section, and I am consume it knowing it is a darker romance.

    Underage girls should not be some mainstream consumption, and it is, and it is disgusting. People need to admit it is there kink seeing under age girls sexually, even if fictional. Being fictional does not put it above criticism, but stop acting like it is normal and not some creepy taboo. 

    This is ridiculous to say, but I am not even complaining about loli content in general. While I have my opinions on it, it is a thing that exists because some people, mostly men, have a thing for underage girl fictional characters. My main complaint is that it should STOP being mainstream and normalized!

    Why is this so hard for people to understand? And I feel like ZZZ has opened this can of worms with either bring loli lovers out or opening casuals and new to anime tropes to the reality of what permeats anime culture.

  7. This is why I have such a weird relationship with Japanese media. Those type of games and characters almost exclusively come out of Japan, or other countries in the region (China I think for this game). I get it is a different culture and they may not look at young characters as we do here, but I think we have become sensitive to this stuff in the west because we know a lot of the audience for these things are creeps that sexualize them. Almost to the point that my initial thought when meeting a guy that likes anime is of suspicion.

    There is a podcast I listen to that has two hosts and whenever one tries to suggest an anime to the other the other host asks if there is “pedo shit” in it. The answer is always invariable yes, if there is a young girl character. Even if it is something as basic as showing underwear because they tripped. (why do that with a middle/high school aged girl?) Based on these interactions, it feels like almost any show or game from over there with an underage character has them sexualized in some capacity. It’s opened my eyes and I feel like I see it everywhere now. Even one of my favorite anime Sailor Moon has it.

  8. Even being a horny bi person, and loving some hot outfits and all kind of “fanservice” situations i’m really hating the male community in this kind of games. I saw a recent post about “which character you would fu** or marry” in games like Genshin, Honkai etc and when i see as number one “Silver Wolf” or “Klee” i was mad as hell, and the excuse about “its fictional, they are not real child” dude but LOOK AT HER BODY, ITS A BODY OF A KID, fictional or not, represent a little girl fuc*** how can you feel attraction to almost a baby body for the god sake….and unfortunately the percentage of people loving this are really high….-.-

  9. But she is secretly a 500 year old dragon so it’s okay /s. Never mind she acts and looks like an 11 year old, and is not a real person with agency, but made to appeal to a certain group of people.

  10. Thank you for this post. This shit is why I haven’t gone near anime since a 25 year old man used it as a tool to groom me when I was 15. I refuse to make excuses for or consume media that normalizes sexualizing young or ambiguously aged characters.

  11. Yeah, it is gross, and it’s a problem that extends to many anime games and TV shows. I don’t understand people trying to excuse it or explain it away. The characters are designed to look and usually act like children or teens to appeal to parts of the audience who are attracted to that style of anime character girl.

  12. I was so excited for this game. I heard only good things about Honkai and Genshin before it (from the internet, not irl), so when I finally got the opportunity to play one of their games from jump (well, public release), I was devastated to find out the roster is filled-out with fetishized 8-year olds.


  13. aside from some of these weird comments, this reminds me of fire emblem 3h and the deluge of freaks who were defending romancing sothis because she’s OvEr 1000 yEaRs oLd!!1

    gross as hell. how does anyone see this body type and not think little sibling or “hey where’s your mom”

  14. They describe the last one voice as a gorgeous lady voice and I was ????. Thats a kid.

    There’s a concerning amount of loli characters in the game and more to come. Even with them going the angle that they’re just short women/teenagers, they’re given a childish voice and personality for a reason. As of now, the biggest offender would be the first character shown, Nekomata.

    Many gonna hit you with the, ” uh actuasully🤓 petite women with high pitched voices exists.” Yea bozo, those women go out of their way and more to show their age, if not, a good amount of the time she’s pandering and making a buck off it.

  15. Pretty bothered by a lot of the comments in here, would have thought this sub understood the problem of this better. “It doesn’t say their age! These pictures are innocent!” Lol, right. Some of y’all don’t sound any better than the creeps who say “ackshually she’s *technically* 1,000 years old.”

  16. Real answer: because it sells. Mostly in the east. It’s not super overtly sexual at least, just enough that it’s not driving most people away or anything.

    Piper (2nd pic) is just an adult though. Small and more lithe sure, but she’s not really a loli.

  17. Yeah when I see a game that has that kind of theme like ~cough cough~ TERA, I avoid it. Idk I get creeped out a lot.
    Crazy thing is there are some beautiful games out there that I don’t get to play coz Loli characters are in it!
    Idk it’s just me, they give me the creeps

  18. It’s been an issue with a lot of gacha games (not all ? I don’t think Arknights does this from what I remember) when they know that sexualization of women sells they then extend that to…. little girls. Unfortunately there is a market for it and developers know it

  19. I honestly love anime and JRPGs. But at this point, if it’s a show that focuses on loli content, like basically every.single.Isekai it seems, I’ll just straight up refuse to give it attention, and if it’s a game, the first thing I’ll do before even getting it is look if there’s a mod to change the model or if I can avoid having them in the party…

    In gacha Games, I never touch them if I have the misfortune of drawing them. I just really, really HATE the existence of those characters. It’s clear they’re created with a target audience in mind, and unfortunately the whole misogynist patriarchy in place at the moment uplifts those games. It’s unfortunate the state of gacha games like this is an accurate mirror of current political developments and as such a reason so many degenerates enjoy loli characters who are sexualized…

  20. People in the comments making excuses for this type of character “design” again and again. Never gets old. “Akshually it isn’t pedophilia because they aren’t real, checkmate YOU’RE the weirdo🤓.”

    Just, what the fuck?

  21. How old are these characters supposed to be? Gross as it is to say, I don’t think people after ‘lolis’ want their female characters to have any chest development.

    I think a problem with this art style generally is that it’s impossible to depict gradations of age between like 16-18 and 30-35. The moment you start adding more detail to someone’s face they jump straight along to appearing definitely older, so there’s a big grey area where personality and dress are the big determinants. I genuinely cannot tell, just from this here, whether these characters are supposed to be in their mid teens or mid twenties.

  22. While a lot of anglophone culture says that its against pedophilia the sub-text includes pedophilic tropes about women being more attractive in their youth, having to shave themselves to achieve a look that more so resembles a child, innocence that is associated with children, as well as weakness and needing to be helped by stronger men. Hoyo comes from china, and tries to appeal to a worldwide market. So its certainly worse than media made for more progressive countries. Its even more rampant in light novels or other media that appeals to otaku neets who drive their markets by buying the most profitable merchandise and bluerays for anime.

    Hoyo doesnt really include canonical romance but they definitely design characters with pedophiles in mind.

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