
i know this is a joke but like, come on man 😣

i know this is a joke but like, come on man 😣

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  1. i am probably taking this too seriously but coming across this on my feed just made me :((( stuff like this really does make me fearful of men, our bodies aren’t even safe in death?? ik its a fictional video game corpse but still :((

  2. This is why so many responses on Ask Reddit thread from women was to immediately want to die if you were the last women alive in a world of only men.

    Just 🤮. The fact that they so casually joke about this. They would have sex with anything, dead or alive. 

    It’s also one thing if there is a one off comment, or even two/three! *Multiple* comments are supporting OP.  

  3. This becomes horrible to look at with modern realistic graphics, it feels so real that it’s terrifying to imagine someone using it as humour.

    Though it would not feel this way if it was like GTA 3/VC graphics? I’d kill NPCs and be like lmao, and it would never feel even slightly gruesome or borderline disturbing. NPCs would squirt out blood like a ketchup bottle or sometimes like a bottle with a leak and that made it fun, because it felt cartoonish.

    With photorealistic graphics and life like physics, it’s borderline psychotic and disgusting.

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