I’m in several FB groups for video games, but DD2 is by far the most overtly misogynistic and disgusting. They post shit like this regularly. Why is this still acceptable?
in Serious
I’m in several FB groups for video games, but DD2 is by far the most overtly misogynistic and disgusting. They post shit like this regularly. Why is this still acceptable?

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… do they think that blonde women don’t have pubic hair??????
People wonder why there are so few girl gamers then make gaming spaces so girl unfriendly
First of all, Delete Facebook
Secondly, Incels gonna Incel.
These mfers can’t go five minutes without objectifying women :/
I thought this was the Darkest Dungeon sub for a sec. Was confused.
First of all, why you on fb? 😂 I love DD2, currently on my third run
Wow, I thought the DD2 subreddit was bad.
took me a sec
Ah… yeah… I’m sorry you had to see that side of the community. Im a man and those subs gross me out honestly. I muted both subs for things like this. Now i see FB groups isnt any better…
it has been like that ever since DD1 though and im honestly baffled by those people.
If there’s a lowsodium DragonsDogma subrediit to join I’d love to know about it.
Facebook still exists?
Because the game doesn’t have any overtly “woke” elements to chase these types away.
Racist too
Looks a bit pedo to me. Their obsession that the best women have no pubic hair.
i’d think Wilhelmina should be at the top of this with her mother being >!a beastren, which probably has implications for all of her hair… (fur?)!< and all
…but it is just a bad meme anyway you slice it
I mean… this looks like a shitposting group? If this was in a regular group then sure, that would extremely creepy, but this just looks like the most tame posts in the Baldur’s Gate 3’s shitposting subreddit, /r/okbuddybaldur.
Not that shitposting groups can’t be misogynistic or that I’d be shocked to learn that Dragon’s Dogma fans would be misogynistic (I say, as a fan of Dragon’s Dogma myself, although not in any fan groups) but I wouldn’t judge the entire Baldur’s Gate 3 community based entirely on a single post from rOKBB either.
I did not get this at first. Thought they were different feathers each one would wear in a hat. Took me an embarrassingly long time to figure it out.
don’t trust Facebook, it’s genuinely one of the worst communities to be on imo.