jesus. not every woman needs to serve your sick fantasies
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jesus. not every woman needs to serve your sick fantasies

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Well it’s the Asmongold subreddit, so there’s your problem in the first place.
“How do you expect me to play a video game when I don’t have a boner 24/7???”
whereas no actual korean woman would ever want to be near them. ew i can smell that op from here
The character on the bottom left of the shot, in the blue jacket is a man, his pronouns are under his name but whoever was trying to make this bait thought they’d edit it out. Personally I’d like the design either way but they’re, surprisingly, being disingenuous here
what’s this pathetic mindset where certain men can’t enjoy a game if the female characters aren’t sexualized to oblivion? if they wear pants instead of a skirt that barely covers their asscheeks they deem it as too woke and feminist and boycott it. such a sad and miserable experience imo.. maybe men should get a new hobby
I‘d like to correct. NO woman needs to serve your sick fantasies.
Do NOT check that game’s sub. You will feel nauseous and your opinion on men will plummet.
Ah yes, Korea that pushes beauty standards that are impossible to reach without starving yourself and getting plastic surgeries? No thank you
who the fuck is assmoldgold
…Asmongold has just… completely dropped any mask pretending to not be a sexist rightwing nutjob, huh?
EDIT: Oh wait, just saw it’s on his subreddit, not necessarily from him. Thought it was an X-Screenshot, my bad.
Idk how Emiru and Emily can be apart of this guys company. Him and his fanbase are so disgusting towards women
putting their faith in vidya cuz they can’t get a real woman. incredible
Friendly reminder that this was posted to a sub about a guy who is so dysfunctional, he considers it normal to be covered in cockroaches and wipes the blood from his gums on the wall instead of bothering to brush his teeth. Most women, even the ones they try and degrade, wouldn’t want anything to do with them. They’re as bitter as they are pitiful.
Incels using cutesy anime women as symbols or profile pictures makes me super uneasy. For example GamerGate used the image of an anime woman as the poster girl for a movement that was all about hating women.
I wonder if those idealised representations of women lend a hand in furthering their hatred of real women.
Also Korea is a sick society regarding human connection and loneliness, why do these nuts praise it so much.
It must be boring being a straight man. You’re telling me you can only look at women with one particular body type?
Considering which subreddit that was posted in, I can’t say I am surprised to see a post like that.
Cis Het Male gamers never cease to be weird.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with making characters that are hot or whatever, but it’s so gross to slobber all over them and get angry when a character isn’t attractive to you. TBF I’ve seen this happen from women too, I think it’s just an incel problem. These people need to realise that sex/sex appeal isn’t everything bruh.
> Asmongold
There’s your problem
yes women in media are allowed to be sexy, that’s wonderful and great but women in media are also allowed to be not sexy or be sexy to someone besides you or whatever because there are so many types of women and they should all be able to be represented!
This is why there’s a movement in Korea rn lol
I tried telling an idiot on reddit men sexualize video game characters more than women and he was like that is not true. Smh buddy when you gonna learn.
I’ve been indifferent and unfazed by this shit my entire life–15+ years of gaming without a care. But this game finally broke me because Bunny is straight-up a sex doll. There’s no redeeming quality to her; I can’t even call her a “her” without cringing because it feels wrong to pretend she’s an actual woman. It feels stupid calling that character a “her” when she’s clearly an object, and acting like she resembles a human being is offensive–not just to women, but to humanity as a whole. I’ve ignored this bs my entire gaming existence, but this was my breaking point. They basically slapped this random sex doll money grab into an otherwise high-quality game, and it’s abrasively insulting.
It’s like when a sunbeam hits the window in just the right spot to sear your retina unless you move your head. If you want to sit where you planned, you have to get up and close the shade. That’s exactly what happens when I go into the in-game shop expecting to spend money, and my options are… some poorly designed dumb bullshit that makes your character look like a hygienist, or ass. Just plain old ass. I like ass as much as the next person, but I feel like a pathetic fucking loser even considering spending money (that i am LOOKING to spend) on this obvious bait. It pisses me off, and I want to say “fuck you” to the people who put me in this position. They can go fuck themselves for opening that shade when I’m just trying to enjoy my video games, and now I have to get up to close it. I’ve ignored shit like this for so long by at least being able to say, “Oh look, it’s a person who does stuff,” or at worst, “Yep, there’s the sex bunny skin that’s so blatantly a sex bunny, you’d have to be mentally impaired to miss that it’s for ogling ass.”
But nope, not this time. The character itself (and saying ‘herself’ genuinely makes me feel dumb) is so shallow and worthless, it makes *Lollipop Chainsaw* seem like it’s taking the higher road with grace.
They made the Bunny thing a million times worse by making her the only character necessary to play because she can FUCKING RUN FAST. So if I want to enjoy the game, dealing with this cringey thirst trap shit is unavoidable. Every other character has a teeny-tiny bit of substance, and their purchasable maid outfits didn’t bother me. There’s an ice lady (the one in the post), a poison lady, but then there’s the Energizing Sex Bunny with the voice of a 12-year-old and the ass of Cammy White. And it’s not just the ass–the front butt is one of the biggest I’ve ever seen in all my life. It’s the size of a football, like she could comfortably smuggle a kilo of cocainum, with flap-cleavage and a fully visible vaginal crease. Staring at a vagina in a video game is definitely a new experience for me. Maybe I’m just a cranky old lady. However, I’m definitely not straight. I hope the straight ladies are doing ok.
And don’t even get me started on that swimsuit… No nevermind, it’s really not that complicated. It costs $3 to universally purchase all of the male swimsuits, while the Viessa skin costs $7.50 and is only available for that one individual character. I assume they weren’t expecting us to notice the twothousandfuckingpercent price difference.
I was watching a Marvel Rivals stream and the streamer said he likes this game because the team knew how to make real gooner bait and knew how to feed their fans
What game is the bottom right character from? All this dingus has done is make me interested in these two titles. >:)
Average Asmongold fan
Ngl at least it’s a different body type than huge boobies on tiny frame. I know that’s not saying much lmfao but this looks like relatively normal proportions
Why are you even looking at an Asmongold sub?
Why am I not surprised.. especially from his community.
I felt like I ought to at least look at the comments on there just to see how things were going.
This is why I only ever go on Twitter when I want to check a particular artists art or look at a politician’s campaign video. I cannot imagine feeling the need to weigh in on something while simultaneously admitting that I know not a fucking thing about it and that’s what almost the entire thread it.
The guy on the bottom left is just that, a guy. I also challenge you to find even one person excited for the one in the bottom right. There’s a reason that game is on the verge of dying already and it’s because of shit like that. These people are so brain broken from being terminally horny that they literally cannot have unique thoughts anymore.
Ok so in the original Star Ocean Second Story on ps1 the english localization can really make Claude come off as a pushy creep.
So at one point and this has echoed throughout my psyche as my true coming out moment I said “Get It Straight! Im a lesbian. I like Tuna. I’m A Carpet Muncher. Munch Munch Munch!!!”
I said it inside my home to a programmed character from 1998 but it was liberating.
And it always comes to mind when guys are gross like this for some reason.
Mainly because aside from the actual Im a lesbian announcement its both absurd and aggressive and I gift it to anyone who wants to confuse and bafflefuxk any dude.
And maybe it is because I am so tired of misogyny and all that gross but I have lost all interest in sexy womans unless its so clearly in what is called the female gaze.
Interestingly its quite often why I am often more Pan when watching tv or videogames. Because sometimes shirtless guys are done from a woman’s perspective and for adjacents and women’s benefit. So I am more likley to appreciate the men even though I am 90% femme attracted.
Sadly some of these Fap weirdos would peobably love my weird statement from circa 2002