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Monster Hunter giving gamers what they want 🙂↕️
Link to tweet: Find More Gamer Girl Thots On: OF Model More
Press On Nails for Gamers
I wanted to share with you fellow girl gamers.. I have always wanted to have custom press on nails of my favourite characters/skins. Luckily, my friend does a really excellent job at creating them. She does Genshin nails a lot, and I recently commissioned her to do League nails too. She is currently doing a […] More
Why do you think so many male gamers consider modern female game characters “ugly”?
I linked some examples of what I mean, sorry for any mental losses suffered by them lmao. I tried to pick the more "classic" ones so the cringe is minimized. Now the question for me isn't "why do gamers think every woman has ti be wank material". That's a frankly obvious question – sexism and […] More
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South Pole Bebop, a indie turn-based strategy game in-development by a female-led team. Cute character artstyle was our personal preference to appeal to gamers of all ages. Does it match the game’s genre and overall atmosphere?
South Pole Bebop, a indie turn-based strategy game in-development by a female-led team. Cute character artstyle was our personal preference to appeal to gamers of all ages. Does it match the game’s genre and overall atmosphere? Find More Gamer Girl Thots On: More
in Fluff
To the real gamers out there
This video cracks. Me. Up. 🤣🤣 the full version: Sad to say there are a lotta weirdos who think like this! Find More Gamer Girl Thots On: SorryMother OF Leaks More
Male gamers’ performances directly linked to misogyny
I just saw a tiktok about a man talking about this article called "Insights into Sexism: Male Status and Performance Moderates Female-Directed Hostile and Amicable Behaviour" basically proving that the most agressive players towards women are the bad players. Just thought it was funny, here's the link of the article if anyone is interested about […] More
in News
Calling fellow girl gamers! Me and my small team are making a cute game featuring claw machines. Would you play this?
Calling fellow girl gamers! Me and my small team are making a cute game featuring claw machines. Would you play this? Find More Gamer Girl Thots On: Sexy EGirls More
Gamers™ when marginalized communities make their own gaming spaces
Gamers™ when marginalized communities make their own gaming spaces Find More Gamer Girl Thots On: Only Faps More
in Fluff
Happy weekend Gamers! Here is today’s offering ⚔️
I was home sick all last week and was deeeeep into ‘Cult of the Lamb.’ More