
The harassment of women in Sea of Thieves has gotten out of control. TW: SA, Race, NSFW

The harassment of women in Sea of Thieves has gotten out of control. TW: SA, Race, NSFW

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  1. Some of my male friends have been playing this a lot lately but have been bugging me to play with them. Except they told me to never use voice chat on it because it’ll get us all killed since women are “Kill on Sight” for most players. I declined their offer to play. Wtf is going on lately? It seemed like things were getting better for women and then everything collapsed the last few years.

  2. I would say this is an on-going problem. I dropped out of playing this game early on when it first dropped because it was miserable to play with the harassers. My SO and I were both excited and he still plays and I stopped playing after the first week of release because people would not leave me alone and it’s not that much fun since the social aspect is like 90% of the game. My SO does the insiders now and all that jazz and it’s just a game I’m not a part of even though he doesn’t even know what “port” and “starboard” even mean and I’m the one who actually studied pirate history and was super excited for this game.

    It’s great. I love the patriarchy, it makes everything super fun

  3. This happened to me, I have a feminine username and when playing hourglass, the hacker teleported to my ship before he should be able to and said some really nasty sexist stuff. I reported him and he’s apparently banned now. Another time I encountered a hacker, they spammed a twitch stream. I reported them and the staff said they were banned too, but I checked the stream again later and they were back up and hacking on another account. The hackers really do not care AT ALL. Even the stream isn’t banned despite clearly showcasing them flying around and cheating.

  4. Sea of Thieves girlie here. The sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and general toxicity pushed by this game’s fanbase have been loudly called out on Twitter this past week by key figures in the community. This backlash was largely triggered by the game’s hacker community targeting streamers a little over a week ago by getting them “yellowbearded,” or suspended, temporarily, while they were all streaming. Why? Because they could.

    The fact that hackers even HAVE that power revealed a flaw in Rare’s spaghetti coding, and folks have rightfully been criticizing Rare since – not just for that and the terrible state the game is in – but for their ambivalence and indifference in dealing with racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, etc. The door has been opened.

    See my post history. I posted a video clip on the SoT forum of a guy being a relentless asshole because I’m a woman, and even there I was told “it wasn’t because I’m a woman.” It clearly was, and that clip was elementary compared to the shit I’ve been told on the seas. One time I was even told I’d be put on a “r*pe list” for simply fucking existing, in a video game, as a woman.

    And what did Rare do when I submitted the clip? Suspend the guy. Temporarily! Rare’s ambivalence and failure to put their collective foot down with this shit is a HUGE problem.

    Which brings me back to the current Twitter backlash, which was also triggered a few days ago by one of their Discord community managers telling a woman, who was doxxed, harassed, and also told that she was going to be r*ped, ON STREAM, to “not be absurd” when she asked where to report the incident since Support has been largely unhelpful in the past.

    SoT is going down the shitter. Partners are calling Rare out. It’s about time. I love this game, I love how close it’s brought me to my favorite people, and there is nothing out there like it. But Rare and the sexists, racists, homophobes, and transphobes they empower have long ruined it for me.

  5. Yup, Sea of Thieves has always had a toxicity problem, as with every PvP-allowed sandbox. I’ve received violent threats at least once a week while I’ve been actively playing, and I’m not even a woman (although I’m openly LGBTQ+). Usually I’m thick-skinned enough to laugh off toxicity but I know many people aren’t, and Rare usually does very little to punish toxic players in their game.

    Cheating has been a huge problem ever since the Hourglass of Fate was added and things started to get more competitive in the game, and apart from adding EAC (which doesn’t do a lot) Rare has done almost nothing to combat cheating. I’ve been playing SoT since not long after its launch 5 years ago and I’m starting to enjoy it less and less every time I launch the game, since receiving weekly death threats and encountering cheaters every other session really outweighs most of the fun I’m having.

  6. Sadly it’s commonplace in most online gaming communities. I would never play WoW again, and most places unless I am with friends I have voice chat turned off. I will say that at least my one major addiction of FF14 isn’t too bad for female players, still the odd creep but for the most part not bad.

    We can thank Trump, Tate, Rogan, Carlson, the list goes on and on for the damage they have been doing to our male youth.

  7. Never had an issue with misogyny in SOT yet, but it’s full of toxic turds.

    Edit: realised this may be because I’m chronically sorted onto European servers, even with my captain who’s from the US.

    Edit 2: 800 hours in the game. So not a small sample size thing either.

  8. I’m so sick of this shit.

    I’m a 33 woman who has been playing video games since I was like 6.

    I have had to deal with men like this, so much so that I gave up on online gaming unless it has private server with only those I invite.

    I thought & hoped it was getting better for this generation of girl gamers, but it’s gotten worse.

    I got my little sister & both of my nieces into gaming. They loved it.

    My poor sister was sexually harassed & stalked in game of a game she loved when she was 14. She won’t play online unless it’s just friends anymore.

    My little innocent niece was also sexually harassed, threatened & sent pics when she was 10. TEN!!

    Thank god, we saw the pics before her. & that she didn’t understand what most of them were saying, she just knew it was bad.

    My other niece is only 6 & I thank god, that for now she only likes the kid games or the cozy games that are all single player /offline games.
    I dread when she wants to play online.

    It’s sick & needs to be stopped.

  9. Are you on American servers? I normally play European and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone talk. Like it’s usually me and my partner and our friend and we just vibe. There’s maybe 3-4 people on but they’ll usually leave you alone.

    I had to stop playing a lot of American servers for games because they’re soo incredibly toxic, and the Europeans rarely or barely speak English. Like sometimes you’ll get some French dude who’s angry but I can’t speak French so if they’re being toxic guess I’ll never know

  10. This is exactly why I stopped playing this game a couple months ago. I have 300+ hours in SoT and Im just done because dealing with the anxiety and the actually fuckery was damaging my mental health. I even had people telling me to change my character to a guy just to avoid harassment which is wild.

    Rare needs to buckle down but they constantly ignore community issues. I have no idea why they fight so hard against us but their history speaks for itself.

    I love this game but I can’t play it anymore until I can play without being threatened, sexually harassed verbally and griefed to death. And they consistently dismiss, gaslight and ignore the grotesque toxicity.

    Would review bombing even work? I doubt it. Rare just doesn’t care. They say they do but their actions say “fuck you”. Not buying things from the emporium would also help maybe since that seems to be their focus.

    I appreciate this video and she did a great job at showcasing the shit we deal with and why we’re leaving.

  11. That is so disappointing.

    I think we, as girl gamers, should infiltrate Sea of Thieves even more. Just to bug them, if not for anything but to teach them we’re not afraid or bothered by their immature tactics to flirt with us or rid us entirely from the game 💅

    bring it on, boys

  12. It breaks my heart that this seems to be a common issue in Sea of Thieves. I’ve stopped playing since I got Pirate Legend, but I remember when I used to play. I chose a beefy male character as a joke and stayed off of voice chat, but one time I didn’t realize my mic was on, and I got harassed by other players when they heard my voice. I just wanted to play pirate game in peace 🙁

  13. I’ve never played but my husband adored this game when it first came out. He would play for hours on end with his buddies. They took a break then came back a couple months later and they’re still having fun but suddenly unknown players were much more aggressive to an unfun level.

    Then he discovered that there were extreme players who could see where ships were and destroy them without even letting my husband and his friends progress. He would be furious because they’d sink his ship and lose all his loot right before they were able to deliver it, they just knew where their ship was and timed it all.

    Needless to say, he rage quit and never played again. Like many other online games, other players have just turned into a miserable time for everyone.

  14. It was already an awful game just on its face that you don’t get to play if you don’t want to do the whole pvp antagonism thing, but the voice chat issue is why I outright quit. 

    They now have (to my understanding) a mode that quells some PVP issues if you want to opt out but this doesn’t fix the cultural issue.

     Companies really do need to get a handle on it, though I suppose if they are still making money they don’t care much.  

     The threat that you will get banned from XBL if MS gets proof of harassment needs to be very loudly and proudly projected if they do care though. 

  15. SOT’s community has always been horrendous unfortunately. And I mean in a sense of both toxicity and hacking.

    EAC has hardly done anything.

    I’ve personally never had an issue with sexism specifically (probably cause my voice doesn’t pass) but given the other toxic interactions I’ve had, it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

    God do I want to love this game, but there’s so many factors that make it awful.

    Even worse, reporting hackers and harassers does nothing because they just ban the account and they make a new one. Because as said in the video, their only goal is to cause harm, they don’t even care about enjoying the game.

  16. Huh I’ve never had any issues in SOT due to misogyny just regular getting trolled, I’ve got like 500 hours in game I actually have a lot of positive experiences in game compared to team based game maybe I’ve just been lucky or the EU servers are better

  17. Yup. I’m a SA survivor and got way too triggered playing this game from the constant horrible harassment from men on this game. Tons of graphic explanations of what they would do to me and being called horrible names.
    I couldn’t do it anymore. I haven’t touched the game in at least 2 years now. It saddens me to hear after all that time still nothing has been done…

  18. For myself I went to update and then play SOT after months of not playing and the “yellow beard” I believe thats what it was called error surprised me. When I looked it up i saw some people who contacted Rare about it who hadn’t been cheating were given no answers and even were left banned.

    I did more reading and found out it was due to anti cheat not updating as the same time as the game. Werid but I got it all sorted. But seing the replys from people on here that delt with the same thing and RARE gave them no answers and kept the ban made me look at them differently.

    I knew about SOT cheating discords and programs, and I was really happy when safer seas came out. I am already Pirate Legend and barley have enough time to play SOT so I rather be in a “safer” sever with my friends and I was hoping SOT online would get better in time. I’m sad to see it hasn’t.

  19. Honestly, the behaviour of men when hearing a woman voice in vc is getting irritated and annoying.

    I have cut many ppl I have played with for month’s and years because of their shitty attitude and behaviour the moment they hear a female voice.

    Heck, I even stopped playing those games in general and solely focused in single player games or MMO games that could be played as Solo mostly. To not be bothered with men being cringe and pathetically weird to women.

    When joining discord groups or in-game guilds, I always try to join guilds/discord servers that’s for age 30 years old and above or parents discord server / guilds.

    They are treating everyone normally and behaving as normal human being should be. (But also, there’s minority of men regardless of their age, which are still pathetic and need to re-evaluate their lives)

    But honestly mad respect to every female gamer out there for being able to endure the bullshitness of those pathetic human beings’ (not sure if they are even should be called human being but cant call them animals as that would be disrespecting the animal kingdoms as a whole) behaviour and actions.

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