
Cool horse game set in historical Mongolia releasing in early access this year!

Cool horse game set in historical Mongolia releasing in early access this year!

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  1. Looks cool. I glanced over the article, clicked the link to watch the trailer on YouTube. Then I made the mistake of glancing at the comments. There’s not a single thing in that trailer that’s historically inaccurate (maybe the horse tack is inaccurate, I’m not a horse person). But the name is Mongolian for “wind horse”, you can find pictures of Mongolian infants with red hair (pretty sure they’re too young to be dying their hair), and a Franciscan monk in 1240 recounts that children and women rode horses in the same manner as men.

    So of course there are two comments (out of 12, I didn’t have to scroll far) that call the game woke trash.

    There are times I wish the phrase “woke” had never been coined. Then perhaps these people with asses for hats would be disinclined to say anything because it would require more typing than they’re capable of.

  2. I really love the setting and the design for the main character. Also, learned something new today! After seeing the other comment about people questioning the historical accuracy, I decided to do a little research and apparently there is a long history of redheads in Asia, especially among certain communities in China. Very cool. I like that this also fits in to the series since it looks like most if not all of their protagonists have red hair.

  3. A horse game set in a historical non-western setting?? I feel like the gaming gods are smiling down at me! Riding in Mongolia has always been on my bucket list so I’m hyped for this game!

    I’ve seen the studio’s other games (though I haven’t played them), but I feel more optimistic knowing that it’s from a developer who’s done other horse games in the past.

  4. Im withholding too much excitement about this game for now until we get to see actual gameplay – the developer Aesir released another horse game late 2022 that was relatively unfinished/broken and received very poor reviews.
    Doesn’t leave me with a ton of confidence for this one right off the bat, though the premise of it sounds -really- cool.

  5. Alice from The Mane Quest/Aesir here thank you all so much for being excited about our game ❤️❤️

    I work on this (formerly as Creative Producer, now I consult for marketing and horse accuracy), helped develop the concept quite intensely, and am happy to answer any questions you have about our plans for the game 🥰

    If you‘re interested, please make sure to add Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori to your wishlist on steam, that helps us a ton in terms of visibility.

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