Shitlus strikes again 🥱
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Persona 3 Reload Won’t have FeMC because it would be “two to three times” the DLC cost.

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Sad thing is, this sounds like it’ll be their excuse going forward, “Sorry everyone… we just can’t afford it, we’re a small indie studio with a small budget. Now please buy expansion pass and the 60+ dollars of DLC.”
It’ll be that or, “It would QUADRUPLE the development of the game! By the time we finish it, the PS6(7, 8, 9… etc) would be out!”
It was only a matter of time until pink tax got introduced to digital media, i suppose…
Idk anything about the game, but how could adding a female character be that big of a deal?
Even without talking about FeMC selling The answer separately for like 35 bucks like two months after release is straight up anti consumerism
At this point i decided to jus tnever buy Atlus games at launch and wait for a Goty/final version
“Too expensive” is a bullshit excuse used by companies that don’t want to admit to what is actually going on. Every feature does require development and development does have an inherent cost attached. When you brainstorm a list of features for a new project, you inevitably end up having to whittle down that list to only the features you can provide on time and in budget. You whittle the list down by focusing on your priorities.
Saying that adding a female protagonist is too expensive actually means that adding a female protagonist isn’t a priority. Which, fair enough. But then you don’t get to be offended when people call you out for that.
Crazy convenient how the female protagonist is always the expendable one they don’t have time for. When comes the day where there’s no time for the male protagonist?
meanwhile we have a fan mod well on it’s way adding in the FeMC into the game.
Fuck you atlus.
Male game devs never stopped saying “women are too expensive to animate” I guess :/
It’s too late to refund the original for me but I def won’t be buying the Answer or any of their future titles for now, given their practices have gotten scummier over time. They even spread the persona “pay 60 dollars for new version” bull to SMT now lol. Well now I know who they prioritise and its not female or lgbtq+ gamers. Their p3p port was so shit lol they used AI to upscale it 🤣
How much did P3R cost In itself? They could have made P6 but they remade P3 instead. This isn’t about money, they just don’t want to. I don’t get why they’re hiding behind that silly excuse instead of just admitting it.
As a developer, yeah adding things is expensive but it’s not a good reason in this case. Ultimately they’re shooting themselves in the foot with how many people are going to avoid their stuff because of this.
They already have the roles filled for most of who they’d need to do this. It’s not hard to make a team to work on this either with those people. This is just a shitty excuse made by shitty developers.
Absolute bullshit. They have been milking P5 for years which means they do have enough money to keep going. They just don’t want female players.
Not buying any Atlus games ever again then.
Then they should have made the female protag and told the boys it would be too expensive to add a guy. Easy fix.
This is just a big ‘fuck you’ to nearly half of all gamers. Why should we be forced to play a MaMC for the 1000th time, when men are rarely forced to play as an FeMC.
I don’t like playing as male characters, I just don’t. And knowing that this game could have easily added a FeMC just maked me so mad.
I’m actually considering not to get this game now. I feel very disrespected.
I don’t believe them
I knew they wouldn’t early on. If you look at their previous track record with this kind of stuff it was obvious. The next thing you could hope for is same sex options since then they won’t really have that excuse about it costing more. But I suspect they won’t even do that and will come up with another excuse. It would be interesting to see what they come up with if people became vocal and started asking for same sex options for the male mc.
I’d still want a female mc and this wouldn’t really make up for it in my eyes. But I’d love to see how they would try and come up with excuses if people began asking for same sex options for the male mc in droves.
Way back in the day, there was a parody article about how asinine it would sound if game devs used the same excuses to justify excluding male characters that are used to justify excluding female characters. Unfortunately, it seems to have vanished into the aether.
Then charge 2 to 3 times the DLC price for it? What am I missing here?
All I’m saying is Persona 6 better have a female MC.
I’d love to see an example of a game that actually goes “sorry, but it’d cost too much to have a male protagonist so it’ll be female only!”
Just…Forget it. This is me being tired of crusty old men in game dev. I would love to play as a Japanese women/girl in a game that tackles societal issues like Persona does. It would be interesting AS FUCK. But they just wont make it. Anything political or analysing of society is still very much ‘men talk’ in Japan. I love the cutesy games Japanese devs make for girls too, but that’s all they see girls playing.
If P6 doesn’t have a female protag, I’m done with this series, period.
Looks like it won’t be possible to buy the game then. So sad.
It’s too expensive my ass
Sounds like it’s a great game to boycott, then.
Then it sounds to me like they’ll have to drop the price “two to three times” before I consider buying it.
Ah i guess my purchase wonr be possible either
I feel like ancient games like Star Trek Elite Force solved this “problem” eons ago, by just giving the protagonist a title or neutral-sounding name like Alex. I do on some level understand the argument but we’ve seen this situation play out so many times now and it’s always a bit embarrassing.
Japanese studios refusing to include women as protagonists? No way!! This must be the first time it has ever happened in a game franchise.
crying, screaming, kicking and tearing up my clothes rn
Sounds like they’re leaving money on the table even though the investment would, naturally, be big enough to spin it off into another game. Worked for Volition – then they did a few games that didn’t hit and went under, but Saints Row 4 was an absolute banger that made them a ton of money.
I’m going going to charge my vista and play the og
It would cost $70 to fucking $105 dollar???
I’m a little confused, the game is already $70, and already $105 when you include th dlc.
Are they saying if femc was in the game, it would cost the same as it already does.
Because from my understanding, it’s not possible to add femc as dlc. It would have had to be in the game since day one
Translation: We don’t think we’d recoup the costs of development of such a DLC, therefore female representation is not financially profitable and we won’t do it.
Don’t you understand?? Those millions in profits they made from the success of their other games just can’t cover the astronomical costs of making a second route with a reused female asset!!!!!! /s