
My boyfriend made me a Custom built PC

Hello. So my bf made me a custom pc. I’ve mostly just played my switch, so I’m a newb when it comes to the pc world or what my boyfriend calls “actual gaming”.

I’m looking for some advice on cozy/fun girlish games. I’m a big fan of open world games as well as farming games like animal crossing, cozy grove, stardew valley (but couldn’t get into it for some reason). I’m also interested in some girly themed fps if that’s a thing? 😅 Honestly I’m open to trying most games as long as they are roguelikes(lites). I also hella f*¥k with collection games. Disney Dreamlight Valley was naturally the first game I’ve got for the PC!

Also, looking for advice on how to make my setup more aesthetic. As well as aesthetic good quality headphones and mic. By aesthetic I mean pink or matching to the “general” setup I’ve got now. I see some crazy setups online but it looks like they cost so much just for pink?! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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  1. If you like stardew Valley you may like Sun Haven as well. If you want to play a Cozy Game online with other people, then I can recommend Palia 🙂 People there are really nice and helpful and you can play solo or with others.

  2. There’s some good Steam sales going on every now and then! Just go browse their store and “wishlist” games that look interesting and you’ll get an email notification when they go to sale.
    I also recommend browsing the sub for threads recommending games, I’ve found some good one from those! Don’t limit yourself when it comes to genre, explore! Lots of great games out there and some of the indie ones are pretty cheap too and you get to support small creators.

  3. As long as they are or aren’t roguelikes? If you like roguelikes then I have a list for you, i have played and enjoyed all of these and some or in my most played games in termsos # of hours:
    Big name ones:
    – Hades
    – Binding of Isaac
    – Enter the Gungeon
    –  Slay the Spire
    – Dead Cells 
    – Monster Train
    – Risk of Rain 2 (2 specifically)
    – Darkest Dungeon (I and II)
    – Children of Morta

    Lesser known ones that are still good:
    – Peglin
    – Dicey Dungeons 
    – Atomicrops
    – soulstone survivors
    – roboquest 
    – gunfire reborn
    – plateup

    That’s off the top of my head, have more if you need!

  4. That’s very charming of your boyfriend to build you a PC of your own. If you enjoyed Cozy Grove and Animal Crossing, there is a new game that just released recently called [The Garden Path](, and it plays very similarly to both because it plays in real time. It’s also a game to play during short bursts like Cozy Grove, and the artwork is beautiful.

    I don’t want to recommend another farming sim if you couldn’t get into Stardew Valley, but before I do, would you know what about Stardew Valley that made you feel that way? Stress? Anxiety, or too much going on?

    For cozy games, I highly recommend checking out Steam curator: [Wholesome Games](! They often find games that are relaxing, cozy, and wholesome to play, and I’m pretty sure you’ll find a lot of great potentials and upcoming games to play in the meantime.

    As for gaming aesthetic, I suggest a collection of [Patch Magazine]( that might help dress up your space. It’s a subscription monthly magazine that talks about indie games, reviews, and something to look forward to, and they can turn into collectible prints. If you’ve got an Ikea near you, there’s a lot of cute furniture and desktop organizers to add to your space, like a wall mounted grid to decorate with game merch, or peripherals.

  5. I read the title too fast and read it as “my boyfriend made me build a custom pc” LMAO

    I’ve never seen a girly themed fps unfortunately. But do you think Meadow might be your thing? It’s an open world collection game and you play as animals with other people. You collect to unlock other animals and skins! It’s very chill. The only way to communicate is using their symbol chat wheel. No text chat.

  6. That looks amazing! I am going to show this to my husband, he’s building me a PC and I want it to be pink.
    I have the Razer Orochi mouse in Quartz (pink) and I like it a lot. It would match your setup really well too!

  7. Thank you all for the feedback!!! I’m so happy, and felt so thankful to him for the gift. It was a birthday present! My challenge last night was “do I stay up all night and game, or sleep because I work tomorrow” 😂

    Also, I saw someone mention the case. It is originally white, but he took a ton of time to spray paint it pink for me ❤️❤️

    There are a lot of game recommendations so I’m super excited to look into that, as well as some of the tech recommendations. ☺️

  8. beautiful build! love the case’s color

    you can find pretty easy headphones/mics/mechanical keyboards and mouse in red/pink/purple/white in pure or duo-tone colors 😀

    search for inspiration in r/battlestations , lot of beautiful builds there

    here is the current state of the build (computer + main display) I gave her last year – updated in this picwith new keyboard and the mouse bc I got a new job \o/ :P. Now we are looking for a new desk and some 3d wall tiles

    (bad pic I know ;~)

  9. I think the front piece is upside down. My husband has the same case and the indent on the front has the Corsair logo, in your case it wouldn’t been upside down. Idk if it goes on both ways maybe, but in case it’s not fitting right, that would be the reason. Besides that, awesome mod!

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