
What are some gaming accomplishments- big or small that you’ve made lately?

What are some gaming accomplishments- big or small that you’ve made lately?

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  1. Did you rank up in anything? Finally complete that single player RPG, or revisited a comfort game?

    For myself I FINALLY finished BG3! Which was tough because i kept getting overwhelemed in Act 3 so I felt stagnant for months! But this weekend through yesterday I took things little by little and finally finished my first playthrough! Def gonna start a new journey on it soon!

  2. I got 100% On Baldurs Gate 3 recently. Took 230 hours, but I did it. I also have been getting some new Astarion dialogue I’ve never heard before, which makes me happier.

    – I mean Achievements, I have all 54 –

  3. I was healer lead for a 40 person raid with one healer being new in the role. I helped her prepare and gave reminders where I thought it was appropriate. At the end she had fun. The rest did amazing as well. One I put in a role he wasn’t experienced in so he could get experience. He said he was panicking a bit but managed to get it under control.

    I love this so much. Guide others to victory, that’s my jam. My own victories feel hollow and pointless. But putting people in a position where they can get theirs, AND then getting it. Pure dopamine.

  4. Me and my bf beat Baldur’s Gate together the other night! It was a lot of fun to play through together. I kinda miss my Spore Druid but his epilogue with Halsin was soooo sweet. 🥺 Definitely a satisfying ending for him.

    And my bf’s character’s epilogue with Lae’zel was super good too! Made me want to romance her in a playthrough even more.

  5. Well although I’m sure I have more played hours on other games I unfortunately can’t track. I recently got a game at 40 hours on steam( sun haven ) making it my most played on the platform. Great game btw.

  6. Actually committing to RDR2. I am trying to hard to finish the story line after years of quite literally f*king around 😂 and getting no where in the story line. I’m currently at 30%, the furthest I’ve ever been.

  7. I know it’s small ~~and rank arguably means nothing now~~ but I hit Iridescent 1 (top rank) on killer in back to back months on Dead by Daylight after only coming back last month. As someone who never even passed yellow ranks on the old system due to the stress I’m very happy about that (DbD has 4 or 5 ranks and each one has 3 levels that require you to get better and better, yellow rank was rank 2)

    Additionally I was able to beat Alan Wake 2 and Chicken Police finally, the former I wasn’t fussed on and the latter was in my backlog for years. They signalled the start of my 12in12 (or 24in12, or whatever I decide on) journey of finally conquering my backlog.

  8. I’ve never been much of a completionist in my gaming life but lately I’ve been trying to get 100% on any game I love. So far got 11. Latest being RE2 Remake and RE7. Most remarkable being Assassin’s Creed 3 considering how long ass that game can be

    Edit : By 100% I’m referring to every single collectible, achievement and S (or S+) rank mission completions.

  9. It’s not much, but I was happy. On fortnite, they added a recent challenge where you had to win a crown or pick one up. My friends don’t play, so I knew I had to rely on randoms. Ended up winning my 1st game

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Had to restart my game over and feeling so accomplished!! Got all the Johto and Kanto badges!! ❤️ The comeback is stronger than the setback!! 🥰

Hiiiii I’ve heard we’re posting our unpopular male crushes 👀 I swear I don’t have a type hahaha