
What’s the best game you’ve never played?

For me it's Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. I bought it, played for maybe twenty minutes, then had to lay down. The motion sickness I got from this game was beyond any I had suffered before. I resorted to watching a no commentary playthrough. However, the atmosphere, story and acting in that game were so intense that I almost grieve that I'll never fully experience it at my own pace.

Do you have a title you loved but never played?

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  1. Not sure if this counts, but…

    I love the gleefully insane lore of Warhammer 40,000. I’ve read a few books, dig the memes, the short animated films, and played a few video game versions, but I’ve never played the tabletop miniature actual Warhammer 40,000 game, despite having a Battle Sister in my curio cabinet of figurines of badass women from sci-fi, fantasy, anime, and comic books.

    Mainly because I’m too clumsy to paint tiny figurines, have zero artistic talent, and the models are insanely expensive, and I don’t have any friends into it.

  2. For me, it’s Elden Ring and Bloodborne. If it wasn’t for the actual gameplay, I would be all over these games. The atmosphere, the lore, the animation, it’s all S Tier. But I can’t for the life of me play these games. I’ve tried both and end up getting way too frustrated at constantly dying. I know that’s kind of the point of them, but I just can’t get behind that. Bloodborne was the one I got the furthest in, but I was playing with friends who were basically carrying me the entire time and then they stopped playing. I had a GREAT time, but I was basically playing on easy mode, lol.

  3. Senua was that game for me for a long time, because the intro scene where she’s rowing into hell and all the voices are whispering in her ears sent me into a full-blown panic attack lol. I had to go outside and lay in the grass and practice breathing techniques I hadn’t needed in years to ground myself, I felt like I was going to float off into existential psychosis.

    I went back about a year later, in a better place. Didn’t wear headphones. Kept Bob’s Burgers blaring on the TV while I played through the intro. Once I got into combat and it began to feel more gamey, I was fine. Truly a great game. I can’t wait for the sequel. (Why yes, I *am* a masochist, why do you mention?)

  4. I hate saying it in a sub that generally loves cozy games, but….Stardew Valley. I own it, but the day/night cycle gave me anxiety over getting everything done. I wanted to like it, but It wasn’t relaxing for me.

  5. I actually couldn’t play Fallout 4 because of motion sickness. It’s been sitting in my library forever, but then I found out there’s a motion sickness mod and I’ve been building settlements like it’s the Sims.

    I wish more games were like that. Say what you will about Bethesda’s glitchy, buggy, nonsense, but at least people can mod the motion sickness out.

  6. Baldur’s Gate 3 and Dragons Dogma 2 :’)

    I had been following BG3’s progress since it was in Early Access and on the day that it came out as a full game, it was as if the clouds in the sky cleared up and we got heavenly beams of sunlight shining down on us. Unfortunately there’s no way my lil lenovo laptop could run it smoothly (and also it’s expensive in my currency) :’)

    For Dragons Dogma, I had played the first one when the pandemic first hit and I absolutely loved the game. There were whispers at the time that a second one might get made soon but nothing was confirmed. Then my brother went and sold the PS4 :’) So again, my laptop cannot possibly run DD2 well and, (you guessed it) it’s really expensive in my currency :’))

  7. I feel like RDR2 would be a good answer for me. I tried playing, but the controls are bad, and I suck at shooting anyway, so I was just frustrated. Started watching a play trough, but didn’t finish because I felt like I wasn’t enjoying it as much as I would’ve if I was experiencing the game myself. It’s a shame.

    Another one is FF X. I think I would love the story, but I don’t like turn based combat and have only played the first hour or two. Maybe I’ll watch a play through some time.

    I love watching horror games, but I’m too chicken to play myself, haha.

    As someone who also gets motion sick very easily, I’ve tried watching someone play Abzu, but I felt sick so quickly. 🙁

  8. I adore the Bioshock franchise- the story telling is so interesting and I love the messages the games get across and how they’re written. Despite this I’ve never played the second one. Picked it up, played for 5 minutes, went “yeah this is too clunky” and put it down. I ADORE the first and the third- would recommend to everyone. But the fact I haven’t played the second makes me feel a bit ashamed.

  9. Although I’ve played the 2003 game [Beyond Good & Evil](, I’ve heard it described as “the greatest game no-one has ever played.”

    You play as Jade, a photojournalist and martial artist who runs a war orphanage with her companion Pey’j on a planet under alien invasion. As the story unfolds, Jade’s freelance photography missions reveal a deep government conspiracy involving the Alpha Sections, who are portrayed as heroes through propaganda but are not what they seem.

    It’s on [Steam]( and I’d like to highly recommend it.

  10. Resident Evil 7. 

    I love horror, but its immersive atmosphere was too much for me to handle. I kept asking myself, *”why am I doing this?”* questioning if I was enjoying it or not. I didn’t pick it up after the first session ._.

  11. Kingdom Hearts series but only some because I’ve played + completed KH1, 2, chain of memories, 358/2, while only partially playing birth by sleep.

    I read all the wiki and watch video essays for the other games/Kh in general, I just cannot for the life of me have it in me to try the other games. The mainline games r fine but if you really want to delve deep into the history of KH lore and know cool details, you have to play the other games and bitch ain’t nobody got the time or money for that.

  12. Mass Effect, I just couldn’t with the car, the hacking minigames and cover-based shooting. I’m too impatient and these made me rage quit. I watched playthrough of all and I like the story, just the gameplay is not for me.

    Dark Souls, I can’t git gud. I installed DS3 three times, on the last try I managed to finally kill the first boss but it was sooo much pain. I love the cryptic lore, the visuals but I suck at DS so badly I won’t ever be able to play the game.

    Stardew Valley. I love watching streamers play it but when I tried playing it, I was bored out of my mind. I don’t know why, I want to love the game 🙁

    The Sims 4. I don’t know who decided to put loading screens back but they should be fired. (Jk but it seems like a serious step back in game design.)

  13. Soma. I can’t do creepy. Like seriously, commercials for horror movies give me nightmares. I could watch playthroughs though and it is an amazing game. Love the story and the ideas, I couldn’t play it if you paid me.

  14. OOF I really had to stop to think, because I watch a *lot* of gaming since there’s stuff out there I’d rather watch!

    I think my final answer is the Siren games for PS2, especially the second entry. I love Survival Horror but can’t bring myself to play them because they are the most OBTUSE horror/puzzle games I have ever seen, and trust me when I say I have seen a LOT. So I love watching someone go through the game for me, because the style, lore and even gameplay of looking through the enemies’ eyes is siiick

  15. Heavenly Sword. My now exhusband bought it for me. but wouldn’t actually let me play it. So I had to watch him play it. By the time I finally got divorced and got my own console it was the PS4 cuz I wanted Uncharted 4 more than anything.

  16. Grandia, probably. The moment you reach the top of that wall. The super cool combat system. The pure sense of adventure.

    Or maybe Pokémon SoulSilver. Silver was my entry to the series and seing this beloved game revamped on newer hardware is a blast to this day. Best mainline Pkmn games, easily.

  17. Markiplier playthrough of outlast. While I like horror games, I prefer those where you can defend yourself and have a gun or something. Outlast is just way too tense for me with a lot of jump scares, and I don’t like jump scares.

  18. Baldurs gate 3 … I was so looking forward to this game but after a few hours playing with my husband, I just hated to camera and movement so much I gave up. I will go back to it maybe someday.

    Instead I’m trying to finish the original Half-life which Ive had since it came out

  19. Well mainly bc I don’t have a ps5 yet and my brother and our friends keep teasing me about it on IG and sending memes, apparently it’s helldivers 2. It looks good tbh but haven’t got my hands on it yet

  20. Dwarf Fortress. I love absolutely everything about it conceptually but there is a level of complexity and UI pain I’m willing to endure in pursuit of fun and Dwarf Fortress clears it by a mile. I have to satisfy myself with the exploits of others.

  21. Stray Gods!! I’ve watched several playthroughs but haven’t been able to afford it myself. I’m absolutely obsessed with the Grace x Freddie romance (Laura Bailey and Janina Gavankar are incredible) 😭😭😭

  22. Outer Wilds. It’s a wonderful game, I’d agree with those that call it a master piece. I have seen every inch of that game, and I don’t own it. I watched a friend playthrough it, and given the nature of that game it feels like the magic wouldn’t be there anymore. It is definitely THE game to go into as blind as possible.

  23. For whatever reason I CANNOT get into the The Witcher 3! It has all my favorite elements of a game, RPG, fantasy, moral choices, hunky protagonist but I play up until the werewolf investigation and lose all interest. I’m not a huge fan of the combat style so maybe that’s it.

  24. Tô me it’s Dark Souls. I personaly like the lore and the worldbuilding but I never had the time to fully learn to play by myself and beat the game. In the end I felt like I could play other stuff than torture myself to beat every single part of the game. I know, that’s the point, to be hard, but I had fun with other hard games like Shin Megami Tensei, Hollow Knight and Hotline Miami, but Dark Souls it’s just too complex for me. But I also love to watch gameplays and read about the lore.

  25. Final Fantasy 14. I’m a huge Final Fantasy fan & it’s one of my special interests. But I also know engaging in a FF GaaS would take over my life. I’ve heard wonderful things about it & will likely play it if it’s (hopefully) still around when I retire.

  26. Last of Us 1&2

    I still have them on my PS5 in the hopes that I will get back to them. I’ve even upgraded them… but that first opening sequence. 😳 it hit me hard. never had a game make me cry before… and this one did it in under an hour’s worth of game play 😭

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