
Such distractions while gaming

Such distractions while gaming

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  1. One of mine stands in front of the monitor and paws at my face until I pet him. It’s very distracting and a bit embarrassing when it happens in Teams meetings while at work.

    The other one jumps up looking for attention, then gets distracted and attacks things that move on the monitor.

    Love em both to bits.

  2. Kiki does this to me and my husband. Although for my husband she at least lies down. For me I get a cat in my face begging for scratches or sitting up and completely blocking my screen.

    Esme, meanwhile, likes to jump on my chest in front of my switch or phone when I’m handheld gaming or on reddit or whatever.

  3. Adorable! What breed are they? I got two Burmese last summer, so they’re just over a year old now – they’re seldom allowed into my home office where my PC is, as the boy is very, well, boyish and wants to jump up on all the bookshelves and knock things over 😂

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