
Any of yall in love with your pawns ?

I swear as soon as I figured out I could get carried if I fell off a high ledge by my pawn I was finding a way to fall all the time. Or when they tell you that their mind is plagued by thoughts of you I swear I know it’s stupid but I wish you could have some sort of affinity system with your pawn.

Btw the other pawns are also my favs and if any of yall own them then Im so thankful for you making them and have an amazing day you wonderful person.

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  1. So you’re the reason I always have pawns say they stayed with someone who preferred beastern (hehe jk jk they all look mighty fine).

    I made my Pawn like a little sister to my Arisen (she’s a made) and I’m playing melee. I’m fond of elves but given your couldn’t make a proper Elf character in any form I guess I’ll just visit Glyn every few days.

  2. Blaidd like the best boy Blaidd????

    He looks great! I made my pawn my height (which has actually been kind of wild realizing how short I actually am. humbled myself lmao I’m so used to tall game protags) and I think it’s funny to hire super tall pawns. I love when we high five and my hand is like a foot below theirs 😂

  3. Ugh, sometimes I just stop and stare at my/other ppls pawns cuz woof. That first pic of ur pawn is so dashing and pretty btw😍

    I think there is an affinity system with pawns, but it takes a lot of interaction(tho apparently if you use metamorphosis book u can cheese? idk)

  4. I love my pawn so much too 💜 I always buy her new gear and accessories before I get it for my Arisen ahah, she’s very spoiled. Interestingly my pawn started blushing when I spoke to her today, which is what characters do when they’re max affinity, so I wonder if there is a system for them too

  5. Have you found Beren yet and done his quest line?
    I think he might be a worthy alternative for you.

    If not, he is at the starting point (Borderwatch Outpost) or the surrounding area especially at Moonglow Garden.

  6. I feel the same, I wish the relationship with the pawns could be improved or that you could give them gifts at least. I’ve also grown very attached to mine 🙈. Btw, you pawn looks so good!!

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I need to romance my pawn, he’s such a good boy

Good one