
Does anyone have gamer pets?

Here i post my gamer cat, hardworking on our stardew valley farm, very responsible little man

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  1. My cat will jump onto my lap while I’m at my computer. Sometimes he stands in front of the monitor while I’m in a fighting game and I’ll have to tell my opponent that I’ve got a stage hazard IRL. I’m cool with it lol. It’s what I expect from naming him after a video game character.

  2. I wish my 5mo havi pup would sit on my lat while I play, but sadly he’s totally uninterested in what is happening on the screen. He’s not reacting to the fishtanks either. Kinda dissapointed… he’s still the cutestpie pile of fur though <3

  3. Not yet but when my 6 week old kitten sees me messing with my phonewhile im holding him, he likes to swipe at the screen and then nudges the phone out of my hand so it’s laying down and then sits his full little self atop of it like he’s asserting dominance over it and/or letting me know who’s more important to play with. I plan to get a laptop soon and expect things to get worst/more cute.

  4. One of my cats loves to watch whatever is going on in any game I’m playing.

    I sing the theme song for Stamp (a cartoon dog from the FF7 remakes) at my dog and he loves it so much, it gets him all wired, he even stops what he’s doing to listen to it when it comes on in the game ❤️

  5. I had a gamer Guinea pig, and now I have a gamer pup. Of course what the pup likes to do is more along the lines of 1) barking at video game dogs, 2) jumping in my lap to paw at the phone/ tablet/keyboard, 3 ) insisting that we should be playing “find it” or going on a walk instead, 4) eating a yak bone off of whatever gaming item is most accessible to him, 5) attacking me with kisses because no game deserves more attention than pup, not for even a few seconds.

    I love him. 💕

  6. Left to Right: Cider, Chablis, and Champagne.

    [The Booze Brothers](

    They are our current fosters, though they are older now.

    Note: The image will only be good for a few days before Discord kills the link, I’m being too lazy to transfer it.

  7. I have desk cat. She mostly sits in my lap these days because for a long time my monitor stands made it so there wasn’t room on the desk anymore but she is rediscovering being on the desk now I have new stands and more room again!

  8. My cat sleeps and doesn’t stir a bit even when I am wiping out hordes of super mutants from downtown Boston with an explosive minigun. She’s been known to twitch a paw in sympathy when one of them self destructs on top of me with a bomb, though. Very comforting.

  9. I accidentally pavlov’ed my cat into spawning into the room every time she hears the play station beep. She’ll watch for hours intently, and has a thing for gortash from baldur’s gate 3.

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Cool horse game set in historical Mongolia releasing in early access this year!

Gamer cat!!