
Honestly I don’t know if this has already been done, but, ya know.

Honestly I don’t know if this has already been done, but, ya know.

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  1. As much as I love Monster Hunter, this will always be my biggest gripe about the series.

    Guys have armour that actually looks like it’ll protect them from a dragon, and we get to look like a school girl.

  2. My biggest issue with the top right image isn’t even that it’s “””sexy””” when the male one isn’t, it’s that the outfit has absolutely no consistent style. Gosh that design is a mess.

  3. I really don’t see very many games doing anything like the above image, anymore. Just about every game I’ve played for the last, like, 10 years has generally made clothing look the same or similar on any body type.

    Which is good, for sure. Always hated that playing as a female character meant being 80% naked at all times.

  4. I feel like Iā€™m in the minority but I like the outfits like the one on the top. Tbf thatā€™s just my style and I like super ā€œfeminineā€ and skimpy outfits. I wish games gave more variety. If people want full armor then let them have that. If people want skimp let them have that. On both sides tbh. Put both in and let people just choose what they like.

  5. Agreed. I loved that in HD2! I’ve also noticed horror games have been a bit better about lady outfits too as of recent. I’m playing Alan Wake 2 right now and it’s such a relief playing Saga who’s wearing practical boots and a full jacket rather than something dumb like a tight suit with a short skirt and heels.

  6. This is why i like FFXIV – it’s equally as revealing if you wan it to. I personally like glamours when playing things like MMOs and stuff – but also,my ratainers are both guys and i have them wearing the NeiR butt enhancing pants.

    I think the important thing is to have the CHOICE – like I play Paladin and outside of glamours those are full suits and really intimidating as a paladin class, so depending how I’m feeling I’ll switch between that and my hot girl summer glamour

  7. I’m sure that little frilly mini skirt will protect her in combat against a dragon of all things. Her stilletos should enable her to perform double jumps perfectly and give her full range of agility and speed in the middle of combat. Her chest armour will poke out the eyeballs of everything that dares to oggle at her thorax.

  8. The absolute opposite happened for me in DS2. I got my hands on the desert sorceress set which is like, a very typical exposing female armor set. Equipped it to my male character expecting a huge change, only to find out it doesnā€™t change at all which made me laugh SO hard. I played the rest of the game in a crop top, skirt, and heeled boots

  9. Kinda wish the slim ā€œfemaleā€ model was shorter? I hate a sexy outfit, and I love that itā€™s everyone wearing the same armor, but it just looks like two males since the thinner one is taller than the bulkier one.

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Which game I should pick as my birthday gift?

BG3 has become my new dress up game XD