Oh god, this reminds me of the time I had a lengthy and sincere conversation with a friend about our Odyssey playthroughs and only realized like two months later why they looked a little confused when I talked about how cool the stuff on the moon was.
This might sound a bit odd, but I love both, and it’s because both tend to favour a high degree of whimsy. Hayao Miyazaki’s movies don’t really need to explain the mechanics or the magic, things just happen. In Hidetaka Miyazaki’s games, you get the same sense, things are happening, the world is changing, and you can just barely grasp it.
Hahaha I am definitely a dual wielding Miyazakis gal.
can a Miyazaki girl and a Miyazaki girl really fall in love?
Ghibli themed soulslike when
Oh god, this reminds me of the time I had a lengthy and sincere conversation with a friend about our Odyssey playthroughs and only realized like two months later why they looked a little confused when I talked about how cool the stuff on the moon was.
This might sound a bit odd, but I love both, and it’s because both tend to favour a high degree of whimsy. Hayao Miyazaki’s movies don’t really need to explain the mechanics or the magic, things just happen. In Hidetaka Miyazaki’s games, you get the same sense, things are happening, the world is changing, and you can just barely grasp it.
Yesss I adore FromSoft and Mononoke Hime is still one of my favorite movies.
Ghibli are some of my favorite movies and soulsbornee are some of my favorite games
I’m both people
Both? Both, well take both
.. I’m both of these people
their both very talented.
What build are y’all running for Elden Ring DLC? Idk about you, but I forget how to play and will definitely need a new run
Both spark joy
Idk about other Miyazaki, but Fromsoft Miyazaki(and his team) is most trusted one for me!
dark souls🤤
I’m guessing there’s no relation?
Should I get into souls? Tried demon souls once and I found it very very difficult
These two cannot be compared, they aren’t the same media. It’s okay to love neither, one, or BOTH! (I’m in camp BOTH) ❤️
spirited away is more fucked up and disturbing than any fromsoft game honestly
im the opposite lol. huge souls fan but with few exceptions don’t really get the ghibli appeal
Ghibli Miyazaki makes some good movies, but Souls Miyazaki creates masterpieces.
Don’t know these two and thought it was just one guy with wildy different fields on work and interest
I quite honestly don’t care about either of them 😅😅
Hayao is a legend, not even close to the same level.