
I’m planning to not see another human being that week.

I’m planning to not see another human being that week.

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  1. I honestly can’t wait. I struggled quite a bit with Elden Ring, it is normally not my kind of game, but i managed to beat it (overleveled 😅)

    I wonder if i should start another character just for the dlc. I fear my high level will make it too easy? What is you level?

  2. As a Souls fan I’m ashamed to admit I never finished Elden Ring, though mainly due to my health. I hope I’ll be able to get back to it and play the dlc in due course, it looks fantastic!

  3. It is widely believed that this is why the FFXIV expansion will be released in July.

    I mean, Yoshi P was the guy who walked on stage to a live stream event with a Switch in his hand because Tears of the Kingdom had just come out.

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