
Anyone else buying games during the PlayStation summer sale?

Just picked up these three which I’m intrigued by (but didn’t want to pay full price for)!

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  1. Control was pretty fun, I played it last month on playstation plus. I had ZERO idea what was going on for quite a while. It did eventually get monotonous but it’s definitely a different storyline. I ended setting to the easiest settings possible because it is HARD.

  2. Control is one of my favorite games of all time. One of the few games I’ve played where the logs scattered around aren’t only great, but are also kind of integral to the experience.

    Greedfall never grabbed me after a few attempts, but it’s certainly not bad and I’m pumped to check out the sequel when it come out of early access! Hope you have fun!

  3. Greedfall is a good one! A prequel is coming out too (early access for steam and 2025 for consoles I think)

    If you like choices matter type games- I highly, HIGHLY recommend grabbing Dragon Age Inquisition!

    The version that has all the dlc included is only $5!

    The next game in the series, the veilguard is coming out later this year. So if you end up loving it, you won’t have to wait long to continue the story…

    People like me who bought the game when it first came out were like “wow I loved this game! I wonder when the next one is coming out”

    Spongebob meme: *Ten years later*

  4. Still have yet to play Control and GreedFall, but Gris is an amazing and visually stunning game about grief. The levels are designed so beautifully and I was in awe as I played it. It made me cry, though. Still, highly recommend and I hope you enjoy. 🙂

  5. Played Control and GreedFall. Control is really fun. The mystery of wtf is going on, piecing together pieces of the puzzle, some of the locations and lore behind them and the pretty enjoyable combat with superpowers… It scratched an itch I didn’t even know I had.

    GreedFall… I had a bit of mixed feelings about it. Some of the mechanics felt outdated and stiff but the story and narrative was good enough that I kept playing.

    And yeah, I think I’ll finally grab Forspoken and give it a chance.

  6. American dollars? I picked up GreedFall for $6.99 on Steam a couple weeks ago. I just checked, and Gris was cheaper, too. I was considering getting a PlayStation for FF16. Can I play it without a monthly fee?

  7. I recently finished the Mass Effect trilogy, so I bought Andromeda when I noticed it was on sale. Despite all the negative comments I’ve heard about it, it has been quite enjoyable so far. I’m loving the combat in this game, and Jaal is great, probably my favourite of the companions in Andromeda.

  8. No, because it’s a winter sale here! 😂 I did get Atelier Ryza and Blue Reflection Second Light though. Not much for me in this sale but that’s probably a good thing because I have bought a ridiculous number of games in the sales since and including the Days of Play sales in June so I really do need to actually play some of them. 😅

  9. i’m thinking of buying Gris! i always buy indie games that don’t have a physical copy lol. I mostly borrow games from my library and use the the ps store to determine what games they have and if i’d like em. if I do, then I’ll buy a copy

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