
Anyone else like/make game mods?

Game is Morrowind, assets by Aleksei Alatin, and I'm currently deciding where best to place them.

The assets are old content on a closed Nexus account and free to use with credit.

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  1. I usually do basic stat edits with tesxedit for Skyrim and FO4edit for Fallout so I can use my favorite outfits with the stats of other in-game items.

    Also GIMP and for basic texture edits.

    I’ve never done anything with CK though, is that what you’re using?

  2. I do! Currently i’m trying to do a mod based on the San Fran map for new Vegas, including populated areas, some quests, npc’s (unvoiced) and whatnot.

    Its kinda a big task but i work on it when i have the time, hopefully it will see a release next year!

  3. I did for Skyrim, if I didn’t like the outcomes of quests I scripted in whole different options, kept characters alive, let other ones die. Eventually I had my own custom game in a way. But it was all made to work with that one instance, patchwork modding to fit my roleplay narrative. Like Todd Howard said, it just works. Except it probably won’t on a new fresh game, haha.

  4. Depends on the game. Most of the time I play vanilla. Ark was and is the one big exception, even with the ASA upgrade. There’s just too many QoL features mods add for me to want to go without.

  5. No idea how to make them yet, but I’m currently trying to learn JavaScript, and when I feel comfortable there I want to learn some python and poke at the sims 4. Mostly to see if there’s any way to fix the horsies. Eventually…

    I don’t use that many mods though. Maybe 1 or 2 a game after I’ve completed it vanilla.

  6. I like them but tbh I am struggling to teach myself to make one. I am both curious about it and burnt out on the games I’d make mods for rn (Skyrim and Stardew Valley). I have ideas and idk how to make them happen.

    I love mods and I love playing with them. They’re really impressive, even the small ones!

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Tried getting my friend to play Overwatch, it did not go well.

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