
Calling lesbians and bisexuals

fields of mistria has a older woman romance candidate and she’s a doctor ❤️

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  1. My biggest gripe with the game (it’s a wonderful game, don’t get me wrong) is that all women outside Valen either have big boobs or are wearing a pushup. For a game with such good representation, that irks me a fair bit

  2. Ohhh, this has made me realise how often games like this will have post 30 to middle aged guys to romance, but how rare it is to see one where the romanceable ladies are over 25, never mind middle aged. Even Stardew Valley, Harvey and probably Shane and Elliot are clearly on the older side, but the oldest seeming female character is Leah maybe? And she doesn’t really look like she’s hit 30 yet either. Almost all of female characters still literally live at home with their parents or have a ‘just moved out’ vibe.

    Valen looks amazing. How great to have some variety in the age of female romance options, and not have them all be 18-24.

  3. I’m 15~ hours so far into this game and I LOVE it so much. I am a huge fan of both Sun Haven and Stardew Valley and while this game is still in early access I absolutely adore it in comparison. Great farming sim that I recommend to anyone who sees this!

  4. I really like her seasonal outfits and her spooky basement lab makes me want to see the rest of her heart events (only 2 available rn). This game reminds me of some of the older harvest moon games: farming, lots of requests, hidden magic seals, special spells, a secret history of the town. It’s been fun so far, but still early access, so waiting on more content in some areas.

  5. it’s kinda sad how better (prettier) she looks in the concept art 😭 (because of the limitations of pixel art), but she’s still very pretty

    How is this game compared to Stardew Valley? I REALLY tried liking stardew valley but the bullshit energy system and slow movement felt really sluggish… maybe this genre of game just isnt for me 😔

  6. *sigh* FINE, I’ll buy it jeez, you don’t have to convince me even more 🤣

    (This game has been on my radar for a while but held off on it but everywhere I go, I swear, people are singing it’s praises)

  7. Wow this art style looks great especially because the final sprite is actually detailed way more than we typically get with sprites. Can someone please give me a little idea of what the game is about and what platforms it’s on (I mainly play on Xbox Series X but also own a PS5). Happy gaming ✌️

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Just some Mario 64 on my iPhone love it ✨✨

Person somehow upset the video game woman too buff and real world woman not buff enough